Lots of interesting points, and while lots can be said for people not wanting bikes for safety reasons , or the sparseness of top flight UK riders at the top of the sport , I think the main reason is very obvious.
People don't buy bikes, because the expectation of being able to leave them anywhere , and still be there when you get back, and the insurance biteback that causes, mean people just aren't going to bother.
Its nothing to do with bikes, its all to do with the lack of punishment for those that steal them , making it a futile exercise.
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People don't buy bikes, because the expectation of being able to leave them anywhere , and still be there when you get back, and the insurance biteback that causes, mean people just aren't going to bother.
Its nothing to do with bikes, its all to do with the lack of punishment for those that steal them , making it a futile exercise.
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