Engine Battery died completely yesterday after 36 hours not mains connected and not driven - Jumped it successfully . The next morning Domestic Batteries totally disconnected from Van .
No power to control panel - NADA - ZIP - the whole van is MORTE ! Went to bed - woke up. GONE. No physical activity overnight - reading light only consumption . Except now the engine battery had enough to start engine .
Running Blind with no access to Control Panel INFO ? Isolated ( storage mode) and reconnected domestic master switch - Nada impression ?
Help please - away from home in Spain.
Joined this forum for this reason New Newbie
No power to control panel - NADA - ZIP - the whole van is MORTE ! Went to bed - woke up. GONE. No physical activity overnight - reading light only consumption . Except now the engine battery had enough to start engine .
Running Blind with no access to Control Panel INFO ? Isolated ( storage mode) and reconnected domestic master switch - Nada impression ?
Help please - away from home in Spain.
Joined this forum for this reason New Newbie