Deleted User
Following the long running thread on discounted cable reels (yes I bought 2), I would just like to confirm the etiquette when using them. I can coil 3m of my cable one way on the reel and the remaining 22m the other way, thereby only reeling out the minimum length required to reach the hook up point. For 8 months of the year I draw minimum current and nothing to trouble the ehu cable wound onto the reel, however, I know this subject sends some members dialling 999 and therefore wondered if it is only polite to unwind the whole cable just to prevent members having palpitations as they walk past my van. Do I do what I know is OK or is it only polite to try and please those that obsessively worry about these things? This of course only applies to the UK as we know on the continent they use a thinner ehu cable, leave it fully wound and don't have our sorts of problems.