A bit of a horses for courses question I guess..
We do not yet own a motorhome but hired last year and are hiring again this year.
We think we have narrowed down our choice for when we buy next year to either the Autotrail Tracker RB or Bailey Approach 730 both of which have the same layout.
We will probably go to the NEC in October.
Its a 200 mile+ round trip for us to Peterborough is the show worth the effort in getting there?
What is to see there that we might not at the NEC?
We do not yet own a motorhome but hired last year and are hiring again this year.
We think we have narrowed down our choice for when we buy next year to either the Autotrail Tracker RB or Bailey Approach 730 both of which have the same layout.
We will probably go to the NEC in October.
Its a 200 mile+ round trip for us to Peterborough is the show worth the effort in getting there?
What is to see there that we might not at the NEC?