Motor home storage (1 Viewer)

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Aug 29, 2013
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Elddis 175 Prestige
since 2012
hi guys me and hubby have just bought a two years old motor home it will be our pride and joy we are really stretching our budget but oh well , we intend to leave it on our drive as we have the room to do this , my concern is someone may come along and damage it ,I know I am been really negative but I can't help it's a thought , I know the options are storage but again that's going to be very expensive and we have stretched ourselves as it is , there will be an alarm fitted , did anyone else have these fears on buying a new motorhome. Would like to point out this is Susan writing this post as my hubby has pointed out that his name appears. Lol

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Have a look at Link Removed for a Gold site near you and then speak to your insurance company. There's always the possibility that the reduction in your premium for it living somewhere secure will offset most of the cost of storage.
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Free Member
Sep 12, 2014
Funster No
5 years but still learning
Two real trains of though
Keep it at home, safe and sound easy to keep an eye on, easy to pack to go away, maintain, clean etc, down side, malicious people and shows you are way
Keep it in storage, no one knows when you are away, downside little more organisation required with packing, cleaning etc, may be lots of vehicle movement around you pride and joy.

Choice is yours,

Best option is to be away in it all the time, or at least as much as possible. No need to worry then :)
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Jan 20, 2015
Funster No
Bessacar 454
Since 2013
You are bound to worry when you first get a MH , that is only natural , saving money by keeping it at home is great but only if you feel that it will be safe . To remove that worry you can put into storage , prices for that vary wildly , my storage costs £230 per year . Above all enjoy it and the worries will disappear .
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Aug 18, 2014
Funster No
Transit PVC
16 years since restarting
You are bound to worry when you first get a MH , that is only natural , saving money by keeping it at home is great but only if you feel that it will be safe . To remove that worry you can put into storage , prices for that vary wildly , my storage costs £230 per year . Above all enjoy it and the worries will disappear .
I think some down south pay that a month!:Eeek:

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Free Member
Oct 25, 2013
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SAM_0021 (Medium).JPG SAM_0020 (Medium).JPG
I know the options are storage but again that's going to be very expensive
Hi , Mine is alongside my bungalow on the drive, No expensive storage fees, No damage done when others in a storage site just happen to bump it, when getting theirs out to go somewhere,
The advantage of being at home is that you can hook up to your house electric, to keep it cosy in winter, so much easier to wash and clean it, no going to and fro to the storage site. oh the list is endless, I know some people cannot store at home , but if you can, it's a No No to put it in a storage site. In addition I put up a motorhome port to keep the worst of the weather off. Works for us, enjoy your motorhome
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Free Member
Jan 8, 2014
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2018, Apache 634 150 Auto
Since 2015
hi guys me and hubby have just bought a two years old motor home it will be our pride and joy we are really stretching our budget but oh well , we intend to leave it on our drive as we have the room to do this , my concern is someone may come along and damage it ,I know I am been really negative but I can't help it's a thought , I know the options are storage but again that's going to be very expensive and we have stretched ourselves as it is , there will be an alarm fitted , did anyone else have these fears on buying a new motorhome. Would like to point out this is Susan writing this post as my hubby has pointed out that his name appears. Lol

We had the exact same fears, i.e. damage and being noticeably away from home. However, because of the convenience, we decided the drive was best. It is easier to load up for trips and I can hook up the night before leaving to have the fridge ready to accept the ice for drinks, now that is worth the risk ;)(y).
As others have said, enjoy the van and perhaps the fears will subside; probably won’t go away but will get better, they have for us although I do tend to check around the van daily to see if anything untoward has happened. We don’t have an alarm as yet but do park our car in front of the van. I am hoping it would be almost impossible for someone to remove my car and negotiate the drive without me being outside and in the van with them. Good luck (y)
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Free Member
Oct 15, 2007
Neckend or North Wales.
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VW T6.1Kombi day Van
Since 2004
We have had Five motorhomes in 10 years 3 being new, we've had them parked on our drive at the front of our property and had no vandalism at all, the only thing that we have had was that some youngster recently had written in the dust xxxxx Loves xxxxx.

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Allan & Loren

Free Member
Dec 8, 2014
Leyland, Lancashire
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Autotrail Dakota
Since 2014
Ours and 5 other neighbours keep them on our drives and never been vandalised Or stolen. We did have a caravan put in storage for a while and what a nuisance to pack, unpack, clean, etc. wouldn't do again if I had the choice.
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Free Member
Dec 4, 2012
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Since 2011
We have no chance of keeping our van at home alas so its storage for us. Prices for storage vary a lot but here in Norfolk I pay £190 a year for a cassoa 'gold' site.

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Deceased RIP
Sep 5, 2011
edge of New Forest
Funster No
Frankia Platin Plus
On and off since 1983
We kept our on a cassoa 'gold' site which then was £88 per month without EHU, it is now just over £100 providing you pay that for a year, it's dearer if you only stay for the winter months.

The problem was they were kept undercover in huge purpose built barns four abreast. So your van may well have been moved by the site owners 20 times to get one out behind it each week-end.

The final straw was when they caused a little bit of damage which they didn't own up to.

I didn't mention it I just took it away and kept it at our (then) new place in the Forest. I can work on it when I want, I can keep it on EHU plus I see it every day and I can be away in it at a moments notice.

I had to remove some more shrubs to get the New one in though and she's only 1 metre longer.
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Sep 23, 2011
Ingleby Barwick,,Teesside
Funster No
Sadly had to give up
We have experience of both options. We kept our first MH on the drive but when we upgraded to a larger van it was no longer possible so had to put it in storage. We have a CASSOA gold site quite nearby which has 24hr manned security so it's reasonably secure.
I would prefer to have the van on the drive so I can keep an eye on it and also for sheer convenience. However in our case our drive is too small and it's just not possible.
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Apr 18, 2009
Englishman in Mid Wales
Funster No
Hymer B584, A Class
Not long enough!
If your worried that much and I know money is tight but surly its worth spending a little more on a top knotch alarm like strickback, it should give you almost total peace of mind(y)
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Sep 3, 2013
Crowthorne, Berkshire
Funster No
1992 RMB Silver Star 670
One year. A whole one!
We keep Udo in storage for a few reasons:

1. We own 6 cars plus Udo and only have space on the drive for 4 cars at a time.
2. Udo's not used terribly regularly and is a large thing to have sat around doing nothing.
3. I don't want him deteriorating being outside, especially in the winter months. He goes into storage clean and comes out clean no matter what.
4. The storage is heated, fully insured and with regular electrical and mechanical checks. It's also immensely secure. So I don't worry about cleaning him, checking he's free of damp, heating him or checking things over.
5. I firmly believe he's in better condition and has higher residuals because of the storage. The monthly costs amount to nothing in that regard.

OK, so it takes some planning to extract him. An email and a drive down to get him. Same when taking him back. That I concede would be FAR easier if he was on the drive. But then I'd only be cleaning him once a month and that takes a while to do. And I'd worry about him sitting there. And we'd not go away any more even if we had him outside.

We have an 'Udo box' for stuff that needs to go in him, such as clean bedding or the odd bottle of gin or single malt, but he's ususally cleaned and restocked before going back into storage with only clothes and food to go in before we head off. It's an easy routine that works well.

Yes, If I had the space (such as a barn) to keep him and my other cars in, then great. But I don't. I have a small house with a small drive and lots of other cars to keep me busy (and some of those are also stored).

This is peace of mind. At £130/month. Some may scoff at that, but I think it's worth it.

(I end this with the caveat that if I lost my job, then I'd have to reconsider the costs and storage, or sell a car to pay for them regardless.)
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Apr 30, 2012
Southampton, UK
Funster No
AutoSleeper Exec
Since 2012
Keep ours on the drive for convenience. Last autumn very high winds blew a 40kg, 12 foot diameter trampoline over our neighbours 6 foot hedge, 35 feet up our drive on its edge - rolled like a coin :sick: bounced up the Audi... dented the bonnet, the roof and the boot before smacking into and denting the alloy roller garage door! (n) Amazingly it rolled past, and completely missed the 7m MH which didn't have a scratch - phew! (y):) Result!
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Mar 5, 2010
North East
Funster No
Low Profile
Check with your insurance company BEFORE you make any changes to storage arrangements. I got the fright of my life when they wanted to increase my premium by 75% just because I wanted to move it to a Cassoa Gold site - to do with the postcode ratings they use.
My brokers (Comfort) intervened and got it sorted for me, but I had to apply a little pressure.
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Jun 23, 2010
Norfolk and Toftir.
Funster No
July 2010 (ex tugger)
View attachment 60587 View attachment 60586
Hi , Mine is alongside my bungalow on the drive, No expensive storage fees, No damage done when others in a storage site just happen to bump it, when getting theirs out to go somewhere,
The advantage of being at home is that you can hook up to your house electric, to keep it cosy in winter, so much easier to wash and clean it, no going to and fro to the storage site. oh the list is endless, I know some people cannot store at home , but if you can, it's a No No to put it in a storage site. In addition I put up a motorhome port to keep the worst of the weather off. Works for us, enjoy your motorhome

Wot he said, fully agree if you have the room but then we do have a big drive. I think if ours was in storage we'd find an excuse "not to bother this weekend".


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