It's been a while, but messages from two funsters prompted me to come back!
I'm fine, but the same cannot be said for my Hexie! Weird noises in third gear makes me think I need a new gear box. The Lord only knows how much that's going to set me back! Consequently have not been travelling over the lsst year, except for very short trips around home. So looking forward to getting back on the road - I miss the lifestyle I must say!
Had a bad year with the chickens, some soft of virus in my flock which killed off over 200 chicks I hatched last year. Over 200 pounds spent on lab and vet fees and no difinitive answer as to what it is - all just a best guess! Hoping that the cold freezing conditions we have had, have been enough to kill off whatever it is. Heartbreaking doesn't even start to cover it.
Storm is well, though going very grey around the muzzle. She still enjoys finding the smelliest whatever to roll in, much to my disgust!
Hooe to catch up with hou you guys in person, a little further down the road.
I'm fine, but the same cannot be said for my Hexie! Weird noises in third gear makes me think I need a new gear box. The Lord only knows how much that's going to set me back! Consequently have not been travelling over the lsst year, except for very short trips around home. So looking forward to getting back on the road - I miss the lifestyle I must say!
Had a bad year with the chickens, some soft of virus in my flock which killed off over 200 chicks I hatched last year. Over 200 pounds spent on lab and vet fees and no difinitive answer as to what it is - all just a best guess! Hoping that the cold freezing conditions we have had, have been enough to kill off whatever it is. Heartbreaking doesn't even start to cover it.
Storm is well, though going very grey around the muzzle. She still enjoys finding the smelliest whatever to roll in, much to my disgust!
Hooe to catch up with hou you guys in person, a little further down the road.