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I have recently got interested in this pastime cum potential job opprotunity after having an engraved wine glass given me some time ago by a MHers wife. The glass had my name and a picture of my old Glendale on.
I decided over christmas that I would like to develop my artistic side (which is non existant) and so in the sales i got bought one of them there glass engraving kits (which i thought was a rip off.. a clutch pencil and a couple of tips and a cheap glass for £30. Good job it was half price) but this got my enthusiasm going.
I have now gone up to drill engraving and purchased a good but cheap dremmel type drill with flexi drive shaft and a load of tips for £15 from Aldi on sunday
I wondered if any other MHrs do any glass engraving. Theres a bit of info on tinternet but no forums or whatever that i know of.
I have recently got interested in this pastime cum potential job opprotunity after having an engraved wine glass given me some time ago by a MHers wife. The glass had my name and a picture of my old Glendale on.
I decided over christmas that I would like to develop my artistic side (which is non existant) and so in the sales i got bought one of them there glass engraving kits (which i thought was a rip off.. a clutch pencil and a couple of tips and a cheap glass for £30. Good job it was half price) but this got my enthusiasm going.
I have now gone up to drill engraving and purchased a good but cheap dremmel type drill with flexi drive shaft and a load of tips for £15 from Aldi on sunday
I wondered if any other MHrs do any glass engraving. Theres a bit of info on tinternet but no forums or whatever that i know of.