Okay so I have friends leaving Benidorm for Santander, and because they don’t have smart phones or email and internet access they are being discriminated by our own Government. Probably illegal and most definitely should be brought to account.
They can get the Covid test and get get a print out of it to take to the Port. But 48 hours before landing in the U.K. they must fill out a passenger locator form, only available for download or fill in online. After it’s filled in an email is sent to you with a QR code which is scanned at the port to tell them the requirement as been fulfilled, only then will you be able to board.
so if you don’t have email or any means of doing that your stuffed.
I rang the helpline at the site and asked what procedure there was for people who do not have the facilities. Astonishingly there isn’t one and when I asked her why and surely that’s discrimination against certain people she was embarrassed she couldn’t help.
Her suggestion was not to set off without doing it or they won’t be able to board, and maybe they will have a paper equivalent at the Port but she wasn’t sure if it was possible. Totally unhelpful from our own Government.
I rang the port at Santander and asked if they had a paper form for them to fill in, but it isn’t an option as the QR code as to be emailed back to you for them to scan. Her suggestion was to let someone else fill it in with their email address then print it off and give it to them before they set off for the airport. I pointed out that it as to be filled in 48 hours before arriving in the U.K. and they are travelling from Benidorm to Santander for 2 days before arriving at the Port let alone the U.K.
I managed in the end to get an email address for them so the form can be filled in after they have left Benidorm. A note will be attached to the booking reference so when they arrive the booking staff can retrieve the email and allow them to board. It’s been very hard trying to get information from anybody but I finally managed to get a work around.
Why should we have to go to all the trouble to sort out a mess the Government haven’t provided for. It would be very interesting to be fined for not filling the form in then going to court for refusing to pay the fine, it would make them look stupid.
All it needs is for this facility which the kind person at the Port suggested we do, to be put on the .gov site under the heading “what to do if you don’t have an email address”
Bloody reprobates haven’t got a clue.
Sorry it’s a long post but it might be interesting reading and may help someone who finds themselves in a similar position.
They can get the Covid test and get get a print out of it to take to the Port. But 48 hours before landing in the U.K. they must fill out a passenger locator form, only available for download or fill in online. After it’s filled in an email is sent to you with a QR code which is scanned at the port to tell them the requirement as been fulfilled, only then will you be able to board.
so if you don’t have email or any means of doing that your stuffed.
I rang the helpline at the site and asked what procedure there was for people who do not have the facilities. Astonishingly there isn’t one and when I asked her why and surely that’s discrimination against certain people she was embarrassed she couldn’t help.
Her suggestion was not to set off without doing it or they won’t be able to board, and maybe they will have a paper equivalent at the Port but she wasn’t sure if it was possible. Totally unhelpful from our own Government.
I rang the port at Santander and asked if they had a paper form for them to fill in, but it isn’t an option as the QR code as to be emailed back to you for them to scan. Her suggestion was to let someone else fill it in with their email address then print it off and give it to them before they set off for the airport. I pointed out that it as to be filled in 48 hours before arriving in the U.K. and they are travelling from Benidorm to Santander for 2 days before arriving at the Port let alone the U.K.
I managed in the end to get an email address for them so the form can be filled in after they have left Benidorm. A note will be attached to the booking reference so when they arrive the booking staff can retrieve the email and allow them to board. It’s been very hard trying to get information from anybody but I finally managed to get a work around.
Why should we have to go to all the trouble to sort out a mess the Government haven’t provided for. It would be very interesting to be fined for not filling the form in then going to court for refusing to pay the fine, it would make them look stupid.
All it needs is for this facility which the kind person at the Port suggested we do, to be put on the .gov site under the heading “what to do if you don’t have an email address”
Bloody reprobates haven’t got a clue.
Sorry it’s a long post but it might be interesting reading and may help someone who finds themselves in a similar position.