And we're back in Beni !!!!!


Apr 15, 2013
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Since 2013
Well Hola My amiguitos funster!

I was going to give my Beni thread a miss this year, but after requests to be kept informed of our hollibobs adventures (you can blame Taran_Las) the story starts here.....

The Economie Brittany Ferry Trip was fine - rough - but fine. I'de packed food and drink, and there were so many fellow motorhomers to talk to, it felt like a mini meet! Jandek - we met a couple who had stayed with you at Almafra a couple of years ago - sorry, I didn't catch their names.

I have to say the artwork on the Bay de Seine left a lot to be desired - weird is what I'de call it...




To see paintings like this when you're grabbing hold of anything fixed to stop you from being launched into the next world is very discombobulating!

Believe me Funsters- these were the least weird....!

We arrived at Villasol on Friday afternoon, and we're welcomed by Daniel, who said 'there's only 1 pitch left. If you don't like it, come back and I'll do what I can... Never a good statement, particularly when you've booked 10 months previously! However, he was as good as his word, and when I went back 20 minutes later to say, Daniel, NO! He offered us a brillant pitch which we moved onto yesterday. We get the sun all day, and the pitch is huge - Happy Dayz!

The Funster Gang is huge this year, and we weren't at Villasol for an hour before we were warmly welcomed to Tina Daz n Tina 's birthday 'at home'. A lovely start to our Beni Hollibob!

There's been a storm threatening, and it's well and truly here now - it was beautiful this morning, so we walked into town to buy a Fitbit charger (which I'de left at home) and bungees to help the Quest Pop-up stay earthbound overnight!

We finished up at Villasol Bar- what a difference from last year! Still loud, still appalling acoustics, but brilliant entertainment this afternoon!

'Just Amanda' - a Shirley Bassey tribute artiste -a girl from the Valleys with a pair of lungs Pavarotti would be proud of!

It's raining heavily now, and the wind is howling, so I'm hoping we still have a Quest Pop Up in the morning!
Well - nothin’s happened, sept rain!!

The storm raged through the night, and although the wind abated this morning, it’s been cold and wet all day.

We ventured out twice, but only to the Chinese shop for essentials like rope, more bungies and cable ties to beef up the Quest Pop Up incase of a return of the storm tonight, and some very tender cubed steak for a beef chilli and ale slow cooked stew for tea.

We haven’t got as far as a visit to our favourite tapas family, but hope to do that tomorrow.

Hoping for a better day tomorrow Funsters!
Hope weather settles soon and you have a great time . Hope to see you again somewhere, sometime x

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Well, what a lovely day we’ve had today! Still cloudy and chilly, but we (he) tidied up the wind damaged pitch and then we walked into the Old Town and into our favourite tapas bar.

We were met like old friends, with a full blown Spanish conversation!

Hello, Good day!

Happy New Year!

It’s very cold!

The sun will come out tomorrow!

How long are you here for, Two weeks?

No, two months!

Wonderful, very good!

Can we have a Rioja natural and vina rosado, y Una tortilla natural and una Tapas pescado .

Muchas gracias!

Hasta La Manana!

It was gorgeous!

Her Mum and dad weren’t there, so I will continue my Spanish conversation as a member of the NMC tomorrow, hoping to find them both safe and well!

We wandered back along the front - different to last year - this year all lhe trees are under water!


Storm Gloria has certainly been making her mark!

We walked back to the site, put a curry in the slow cooker, and walked down to the bar for Happy Hour.

The next couple of hours were ‘Brilliant Beni Time’. Chatting to Funster Girls, about new vans, eyebrows, Apple and Blackcurrant cordials, and most importantly ‘wedding things’.

Which is where I require Funster Girlie Help.

Our Rob ties the knot on 9th May.

I have no idea on clothes, make-up and hair.

I’ve spoken to Elaine (@rhubarb) whose suggested eyebrow tattooing (I’m up for this as mine are non existent)

Rita JockandRita who suggested getting highlights done two months before the day and building on it as the day gets closer.

Pauline quickweh who clearly has more confidence in my eyebrow pencil application than I do do ...

And Catharine Malcolm Bolt who suggested a John Lewis Personal Shopper.

And all that from a couple of hours in Villasol Bar!

Now back on the van, curry scoffed, and I’m looking at aquamarine, shot satin ‘mother of the groom’ outfits!

Mousy Dawn will be my shopping chum - but I welcome any suggestions from my Funsterfabulous Female Friends xx
If your not confident with applying makeup Geraldine, try going to Mac. (Or any other preferred makeup counter) no7, Esther Lauder etc. They’ll give you a lesson or application if you buy products. For you to do it yourself at a later date on the day.
Or you can pay them for it doing on the day of the wedding . If it’s local to you .
Lots of girls do it that way for their prom night. One of my friends did it for her daughters wedding too. Boots Debenhams etc would do it for you.
Thanks Bev. I never wear make-up as such, just minimum eye shadow and mascara when needs must, but always under duress!

I’ve never worn foundation, moisturisers, facial ‘stuff’, lipstick or any other make up at all, so I worry that being made up on the day (which has been suggested by Catie, the bride) will make me feel like Coco The Clown however natural THEY think it looks.

As you can all probably read from this, I’m either a lost cause or a Fabulous Funster project !
If you don’t want to wear it , don’t. You’d only feel conscious of it . Unless you have a trial run to see. If it’s just your eyebrows that you want doing you could get those semi permanent ones done at a salon. Do it ASAP to see if you like it first though. Then if you do, get it done the week before the wedding.
You don’t want to end up feeling like Groucho Marx!
Our Izzi once did mine , I hated them ?
Don’t know if you do Ebay, but this seller always has some lovely outfits in stock
I’m planning on looking here for my sons wedding August!?

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Morning all! The sun came out yesterday, so I was up with the lark and off to do keep fit with quickweh Pauline at 9.30!

I sleepwalked through most of it (I don’t do early...) but I did notice that I was dressed like a tramp amongst the hi viz Lycra clad ladies!

Fortunately, Wednesday is market day, so we went with a shopping list, including Lycra leggings, wallet, mushrooms and oranges. I bought the most expensive leggings (€10) in the hope they’de make me look like Max Wall the least!

The oranges are AMAZING! We never buy them at home, but the Navels here are incomparable to anything I’ve eaten in many a year.

I was back with Pauline for ‘Yoga With Chair’ at 4, in my new leggings (I don’t know how people wear them - I felt naked, and very much Max Wallish) but enjoyed the session.

We went to the Flix last night and watched ‘1917’ - not a Hollibob, make you feel good film, but very good nonetheless. The camera work was brilliant, and the storyline, although not huge, really brought the whole, abysmal war to life.

We walked back with Pauline and Mike to see police talking to a couple at the foot of ‘Muggers Alley’. I think the decision made by Funsters here is the right one - always walk home together!

Well that was yesterday, this is today - and another, even earlier start! Alas not early enough to beat The Dutch!

I got to the washing machines at 8.30am only to find them all full with bags ‘queuing up’ to go next! I put my bag on top of the only one left without a queue, timed my return to perfection and walked home.

My maths has never been good, and I got there 2 MINUTES LATE, only to find my bag, still on the top, but my machine had been emptied and filled by someone else’s load!

Three People there:

‘You are too late!’

‘You must come before the end time’

‘You are a useless Englisher Woman’ (OK they didn’t say that, but they might just as well had)!

My reply: ‘I do not take the chore of washing clothes as seriously as you!’

I spotted a machine with no bag on top and only 11 minutes of its cycle to go, so I Bagged it, and stayed there. That’s 11 minutes I won’t get back again - and as for getting up early to put a wash on ... :oops: if there is reincarnation, I hope I don’t come back Dutch, it’s just too much effort!

Well, we are off up to Finestrat today - cycling up the middle of four lanes of traffic- to buy some better sports wear and looking at wedding outfits - I’ll report back later !
Catherine looked stunning after her personal shopper had finished with her.
Get her to show you the photos.
If you can get the same shopper, even better as you want to look your best!!

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Catherine looked stunning after her personal shopper had finished with her.
Get her to show you the photos.
If you can get the same shopper, even better as you want to look your best!!
We tried on Sunday, but she couldn’t find them on her phone!
Don’t know if you do Ebay, but this seller always has some lovely outfits in stock
I’m planning on looking here for my sons wedding August!?
I put wwwfund in to Ebay and it didn’t come up with anything :(
Find the advanced search option and click on it.
On the left one of they options you should see is to search by seller. Click on it.
Then in the box where it says Specific sellers (enter seller's user ID) type wwwfund and click search.
Below is the link to the page

Some lovely things!
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Morning all. Well, it’s been a busy and active couple of days here in Sunny Beni.

We cycled up to Finestrat on Thursday - a 13 mile round trip. When I tell you that that was divided up as 8.5 miles out, 4.5 miles back, you’ll feel my pain!

Those Funsters who’ve read previous Hollibob threads from me will know that Cliff was clearly an explorer in a previous life, before maps were invented, and so we never fail but to take the ‘scenic’ route to any new destination. His Hero is John Cabot - Who went to discover America, but landed in Newfoundland......

Anyway, we eventually found it, and headed to Decathlon where I fitted myself out in leggings and T shirts for all the fitness sessions I am attending (the one yesterday should be renamed The Circle of Torture) - more of that later.

I didn’t have the energy to look for MOTG outfits, so we cycled back and just got into the Tapas bar before I collapsed and she closed for the day.

Revived by a Chinese of chorizo sandwiched between two battered aubergine slices on bread and un quinto Estrella, I was ready for the cycle home and the Zumba session back at the site.

We then went to the Corner Bar for Ashley’s weekly quiz, which we very narrowly missed winning, and if he’d combined the picture score with the main quiz scores we would have won! Still it was a very good evening, rounded off by a visit to The Tropical, where we saw the brilliant El Divo tribute duo and the ever so slightly not so brilliant Frankie Valli tribute (I think he needs to either have nasal surgery or to buy bigger underpants).

The mark of a good singer is to hold the mic to your mouth at all times. Our Frankie seemed to have learned to move it away every time he went for the high notes ...... It ended up sounding like Norman Collier’s faulty mic sketch!

Just about to walk into town now so will continue this when I return ...

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So Funsters, Thursday night ended and Friday began!

Friday began with what Pauline quickweh said was ‘circuits’ and which she assured me was really good.

So dressed in my second new pair of leggings and new top, I went, like a lamb to the slaughter.

It was, as I said in an earlier post, The Circle of Torture. A dozen chairs, some holding weights, some holding new age Bullworkers, one holding an innocuous little rubber band, and some with no torture instruments, but we’re tortuous in themselves.

You moved around the circle, spending 45 seconds on each.

Lifting weights - I went to lift them, and thought they were stuck to the chair!

Bullworker - I thought it was jammed in the open position!

Bullworker between the knees - See above!

Innocuous rubber band - I did make that expand, and thought I’d done well. However, after this successful exercise, when I tried to lift my water bottle to my mouth, my arm wouldn’t respond, and I tipped water all down my new top!

The greatest 45 seconds of torture however needed no instrument.

Just a wall.
With a pictorial instruction on it.
Pretend you are sitting on a fictional chair.
For 45 seconds.

Absolute Agony. It came straight after the innocuous rubber band experience so I couldn’t even use my quivering, useless arms as support!

If I don’t fit into a glamorous MOTG outfit after all this, there ain’t no justice!

Pauline redeemed herself, by saying the afternoon Pilates with Bands session was really good. I was unsure of whether to believe her or not, but I went along anyway, and it was very relaxing, until I slowly leant back down on the mat, pulling against the band around my knees and whacked the back of my head on the metal frame of the window, which caused my full water bottle to tip over and whack me full on the forehead - My expletives somewhat jarred with the Ayurvedic, calming music that Julio was playing to relax us all - but everyone else was in a trance like state, so I think I got away with it...

It’s late on Saturday night now, so I’ll tell you all about the brilliant day we’ve had today, tomorrow! Night night all xx
So Funsters, Thursday night ended and Friday began!

Friday began with what Pauline quickweh said was ‘circuits’ and which she assured me was really good.

So dressed in my second new pair of leggings and new top, I went, like a lamb to the slaughter.

It was, as I said in an earlier post, The Circle of Torture. A dozen chairs, some holding weights, some holding new age Bullworkers, one holding an innocuous little rubber band, and some with no torture instruments, but we’re tortuous in themselves.

You moved around the circle, spending 45 seconds on each.

Lifting weights - I went to lift them, and thought they were stuck to the chair!

Bullworker - I thought it was jammed in the open position!

Bullworker between the knees - See above!

Innocuous rubber band - I did make that expand, and thought I’d done well. However, after this successful exercise, when I tried to lift my water bottle to my mouth, my arm wouldn’t respond, and I tipped water all down my new top!

The greatest 45 seconds of torture however needed no instrument.

Just a wall.
With a pictorial instruction on it.
Pretend you are sitting on a fictional chair.
For 45 seconds.

Absolute Agony. It came straight after the innocuous rubber band experience so I couldn’t even use my quivering, useless arms as support!

If I don’t fit into a glamorous MOTG outfit after all this, there ain’t no justice!

Pauline redeemed herself, by saying the afternoon Pilates with Bands session was really good. I was unsure of whether to believe her or not, but I went along anyway, and it was very relaxing, until I slowly leant back down on the mat, pulling against the band around my knees and whacked the back of my head on the metal frame of the window, which caused my full water bottle to tip over and whack me full on the forehead - My expletives somewhat jarred with the Ayurvedic, calming music that Julio was playing to relax us all - but everyone else was in a trance like state, so I think I got away with it...

It’s late on Saturday night now, so I’ll tell you all about the brilliant day we’ve had today, tomorrow! Night night all xx
I thought holidays were supposed to be relaxing Ger?!!?
I’m thinking fitted, aquamarine with a bolero jacket - that’s my baseline !
Sounds good to me. ?
Very much your style. You will look fabulous. Mind you, it does help that you'd still look pretty fabulous even if you turned up in T-shirt & your favourite scruffy jeans. (Do you even have a pair of scruffy jeans?)
Absolute Agony. It came straight after the innocuous rubber band experience so I couldn’t even use my quivering, useless arms as support!

I can't work this out. Naturally I assumed that you were on holiday, but now I'm thinking you are being punished, some form of boot camp. What have you done to deserve this apart from taking part in a wet tee-shirt competition ?
Speaking as a bloke, IMHO makeup on ladies, can be used in two ways, 1. to enhance natural beauty, 2, to try and cover up flaws.
Sadly the 2nd option is usualy the chosen option.
Sometimes I look at women that apply too much make up, especially black eye liner, and think to myself WHY? you now look like a Panda Bear!
My OH, is like you Geraldine, never really been into makeup, not even lipstick, I do prefer the natural look, but I wont say warts and all.

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