So, over the passed couple of weeks I've been spending time readying our ageing van, a 2000 Lunar Roadstar. The last time we used the van was last Summer and, as always I drained the water tanks including the Carver Cascade boiler.
Yesterday I refilled the main tank with 80'odd litres of water just to flush it out. The next fill contained sterilising powder which, after a few hours I decided to draw it through the taps & shower lines to ensure they were sterilised too. No problem with that, all the taps & showered worked great and I could hear the pump purring away. We have two sinks, one in the kitchen are, the other in the 'bathroom + the shower - all worked fine, hot and cold. So, I once again emptied the tanks and then refilled with ordinary water.
Shower hot and cold worked fine.
Wash hand basin in the bathroom (2 taps) was fine, both hot and cold
Sink in the kitchen area (2 taps) showed just a dribble, very little and I couldn't hear the pump! That's how it's been since!
I'm unsure what triggers the pump or indeed if this is the problem.
Anyone have any ideas?
Yesterday I refilled the main tank with 80'odd litres of water just to flush it out. The next fill contained sterilising powder which, after a few hours I decided to draw it through the taps & shower lines to ensure they were sterilised too. No problem with that, all the taps & showered worked great and I could hear the pump purring away. We have two sinks, one in the kitchen are, the other in the 'bathroom + the shower - all worked fine, hot and cold. So, I once again emptied the tanks and then refilled with ordinary water.
Shower hot and cold worked fine.
Wash hand basin in the bathroom (2 taps) was fine, both hot and cold
Sink in the kitchen area (2 taps) showed just a dribble, very little and I couldn't hear the pump! That's how it's been since!
I'm unsure what triggers the pump or indeed if this is the problem.
Anyone have any ideas?