Now I know every body and his mother Uses venus OS on the the Pi, but i have played about a bit with Arduinos and also i have Votronics Mppts which i don't think will integrate with victron software. Ive seen Youtube vids that say it can be done. How does the pi or other devices connect to the BMV, ie does lead plug into shunt or display
I ran an Arduino in the bongo for 6 years just measuring temperatures all around the engine and places. With data from mine and a mates with a blown head and running no thermostat my program eventually could determine sticking thermostats open or closed and probable head gasket failuires, now thats not needed on a ducato but other fun can be had. THe most frightening event was when the AUtobox temp was 15C over temp then i noticed wife had put it into hold on 3rd, revving its nuts off.
I ran an Arduino in the bongo for 6 years just measuring temperatures all around the engine and places. With data from mine and a mates with a blown head and running no thermostat my program eventually could determine sticking thermostats open or closed and probable head gasket failuires, now thats not needed on a ducato but other fun can be had. THe most frightening event was when the AUtobox temp was 15C over temp then i noticed wife had put it into hold on 3rd, revving its nuts off.