veteran (1 Viewer)

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Dec 4, 2008
Funster No
Van Conversion. IH
50 years on and off
The title Veteran is bestowed upon me by my nearest and dearest..and refers to RN service.and age.not my my experience with Motorhomes..which is zilch.
I posted my intro recently..and recieved a number of welcoming comments..many thanks to all.
I am not sure about this thread..should it be here or not?.Still..Move me on?.
I love Australia..Queensland especially..I know that it is not practical to take my Carioca out there..but..has any one experience of Motor Caravanning out there?...sites?.etc...I know i will have to hire a vehicle..?My normal tack is to "grab" a flight..get on a bus..and travel from Brisbane[I never book anything i just go!] to a place called Caloundra..5 Golden beaches..beautiful people and a great way of life..hire an apartment and then travel around..with a car
I would like to use a Motor Van to travel and see..and sleep so any help would be appreciated..any contacts directions?Anyone who knows Aus..and "van" sites:thumb:


Free Member
Dec 13, 2008
south yorkshire, Benidorm
Funster No
low profile
4 years
Hi vetran, we share your love of Queensland and know Caloundra,yes wonderful and will go back one day,have family up near Noosa,I have come across an interesting site Im sure others funsters must have Motorhome Holiday Swap have a look and see what you think::bigsmile:

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