Hi all. After being caravanners and narrowboaters for many years we bought our first motorhome last year just coming out of one of the lock downs!!! We love motorhoming and our van is getting on in age.2007 ...and miles.....71000 as the dealer told us today. We love the motorhome but it has 2 sticking points/compromises which are the small combined washroom and the driving position is tricky for 6ft 2 hubbies as he can only push the seat back a certain distance which isn't really as far as he needs. We have no finance etc on the van but have been looking at other layouts with seperate shower etc this weekend. I am After people's thought's really....would you advise a change/upgrade whilst we are making money on our unit but having to part with ask or extra finance or do we swallow the compromise of the washroom etc. Thank you !