Here is a motorhome newbie asking a silly question, but here goes:
I took my van to the garage today and managed to unattach the electricity cable OK, but when I returned and tried to reattach it again, the flap would not open. The van is a 1998 Ford Legend. Is it normal for them to get jammed like this? I have tried to prise it open, to no avail. Should I use more force, or perhaps apply a squirt of FD-40?
I took my van to the garage today and managed to unattach the electricity cable OK, but when I returned and tried to reattach it again, the flap would not open. The van is a 1998 Ford Legend. Is it normal for them to get jammed like this? I have tried to prise it open, to no avail. Should I use more force, or perhaps apply a squirt of FD-40?