There's loads of threads here about leisure batteries but I couldn't find anything about the engine battery.
Although it's never let me down yet I am getting some dodgy meter readings on the starter battery so figure it might be a good time to replace it.
The existing battery is the original and since the MoHo is 15 years old now that's pretty good I reckon.
Here's a picture, Renault original. My base vehicle is a 3 litre Renault Master.
It's decades since the days when I used to mess about under the lid so am somewhat rusty
My questions are
a) any advice on what to replace it with and where from?
b) I suspect there's a sequence for disconnecting and reconnecting, can someone please tell me what it is?
For info I have solar and a battery master.
Thank you funsters.
Although it's never let me down yet I am getting some dodgy meter readings on the starter battery so figure it might be a good time to replace it.
The existing battery is the original and since the MoHo is 15 years old now that's pretty good I reckon.
Here's a picture, Renault original. My base vehicle is a 3 litre Renault Master.
It's decades since the days when I used to mess about under the lid so am somewhat rusty
My questions are
a) any advice on what to replace it with and where from?
b) I suspect there's a sequence for disconnecting and reconnecting, can someone please tell me what it is?
For info I have solar and a battery master.
Thank you funsters.