I'm just looking at having a solar panel fitted to the roof and having a 100ah lithium battery. One of the main things I want to charge off grid is our 2 ebikes. I started thinking about charging 2 ebikes from flat, and I assumed I'd charge both at the same time.
I realised that in practice, and scanning threads here, that we're unlikely to flatten the bike batteries,. a more likely usage is running both ebike batteries down a third say and then recharging them. We're not big off-gridders, our usage may be 70% ehu aire, 10% ehu campsite, 20% off-grid.
I can arithmetically size the solar system, but I'd like to think of actual usage, for us the shower, fridge and the bikes are the main power consumers off grid, maybe heating occasionally.
Those of you with both solar and ebikes, can you tell me what wattage panel, battery and inverter you use?
I realised that in practice, and scanning threads here, that we're unlikely to flatten the bike batteries,. a more likely usage is running both ebike batteries down a third say and then recharging them. We're not big off-gridders, our usage may be 70% ehu aire, 10% ehu campsite, 20% off-grid.
I can arithmetically size the solar system, but I'd like to think of actual usage, for us the shower, fridge and the bikes are the main power consumers off grid, maybe heating occasionally.
Those of you with both solar and ebikes, can you tell me what wattage panel, battery and inverter you use?
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