We have a Murvi Morello PVC and have been using electricity on campsite hook-up without issue except when we overloaded it by using kettle & fan heater simultaneously. (Soon fixed that by turning off the heater while kettling & no probs thereafter.)
But now we're back home & plugged in via same cable to our house 240v supply the RCD keeps tripping all by itself for no apparent reason.
There are no appliances plugged in & the only possible drain I can see is the battery charger and Webasto cabin/water heater. When we're not using it more heavily the former is mainly driven by solar & I've turned the latter to frost protection only, fuelled by diesel, so I can't think either would cause an overload - and anyway, we've used far more without issue while on campsites.
Anyone got any ideas what could be making the difference now we're at home - can it be some sort of spiking from the house? or something to do with the availability of more amps? (or watts?)
All ideas gratefully accepted!! Thank you
We have a Murvi Morello PVC and have been using electricity on campsite hook-up without issue except when we overloaded it by using kettle & fan heater simultaneously. (Soon fixed that by turning off the heater while kettling & no probs thereafter.)
But now we're back home & plugged in via same cable to our house 240v supply the RCD keeps tripping all by itself for no apparent reason.
There are no appliances plugged in & the only possible drain I can see is the battery charger and Webasto cabin/water heater. When we're not using it more heavily the former is mainly driven by solar & I've turned the latter to frost protection only, fuelled by diesel, so I can't think either would cause an overload - and anyway, we've used far more without issue while on campsites.
Anyone got any ideas what could be making the difference now we're at home - can it be some sort of spiking from the house? or something to do with the availability of more amps? (or watts?)
All ideas gratefully accepted!! Thank you