North Berwick

  • Author Author Old Rascal
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  • Blog entry read time Blog entry read time 4 min read
Friday 28th April 2023
Woke to rain again, we are leaving today to join the Adria rally at North Berwick, near to Edinburgh. We left and drove to the Morrisons at Dumbarton and stocked up the food and fuel supplies. Left around 11.30am and hit traffic congestion at Glasgow and Edinburgh. Arrived at the site around 2.40pm and quite afew Adria vans were already parked up. We have a nice spot with sea views out to the Bass Rock. It’s a volcanic plug in the Firth of Forth and is home to over 150,000 gannets in peak season, making it the world's largest colony of Northern gannets. After some lunch we took the footpath to the beach. We had to follow the path through the golf course next door to us in order to access the beach. Walked to the shoreline but didn’t go on further to the town centre.


Caught up with a few of our friends from past rallies, over a few drinks.

Saturday 29th April 2023
Windy out but at least it’s dry. Some of the Adria members left at 9am for a boat trip but we didn’t fancy signing up to that as the weather can be so unpredictable. Instead we decided on a walk into Berwick and to climb The Law. Standing at 187 metres, the North Berwick Law is distinctly famous for the pair of whale's jaw bone placed at the summit of the Law. It was in 1709 that the first Whale's Jaw Bone was mounted upon the Law. It wasn’t too steep to climb but there weren’t designated paths so it was a case of scrabbling up over boulders and grassy mounds to get to the top. Great views, although a little grey today and extremely windy!

Afterwards we walked into town, had a smattering of rain but not too bad. We then got a coffee and light lunch in a seafront cafe. Had a wander down the high street ( and I bagged a bargain top in the Fat Face sale). Walked back along the beach and came back into the site via the path through the golf course. Quiet and relaxing afternoon, after tea another catch up and drinks.

Sunday 30th April 2023
It’s raining this morning and the forecast doesn’t look good! Today we are spending the day in Edinburgh and left on the coach at 9.30am. We were dropped off outside the castle as we have tickets to look around there first. The city was packed, lots of people, traffic and queues! It spoilt the castle tour as we’d get caught behind groups of people shuffling along and continually stopping to look at things. We followed our noses as we didn’t have a guide and missed the Crown Jewels altogether due to the long queues.

We went in search of a place to have lunch and walked down the Royal Mile where everywhere was full! Eventually found a place further away from the crowds. After lunch we visited The Museum of Childhood. Unfortunately another let down as 2 of the 5 floors were closed! It’s still raining but none the less we walked back towards the castle up Princes Street to an area called Dean Village along the River Leith. I’d read it was an old world village with quaint cottages but either we didn’t find it or the research lied!!

We whiled away the remaining hours in a tea shop and shopping arcade before getting the coach back at 4.30pm. Opened a red wine, had a late tea.

Monday 1st May 2023
It’s a May Day bank holiday today, we caught the coach at 9.30am for a trip to see the Royal Yacht Britannia. It’s sited in Leith docks near Edinburgh. It was very crowded to begin with as we were given audio guides and everyone stops at the same places. The crowds thinned out as we made our way around the yacht. We got to see all areas, the admirals deck, the royal apartments and reception/entertainment areas plus the sailors accommodation, the kitchens, laundries, the officers mess and the engine rooms. We treated ourselves to tea and scones in the tea room on board the yacht. As we have plenty of time we returned to some of the decks as there were considerably less people about and we could wander freely and take photos.

We had a wander around the shopping centre next door but sadly it was lacking in shops with many units empty. We joined some other Adria members in the bar area and chatted until it was time to catch the coach home.

Tuesday 2nd May 2023
After breakfast we decided to walk along the coastal path. Put coffee in flasks and packed some grazers and set off around 10am. It’s blowy but dry with some sunny spells. The first part of the coastal path follows the edge of the nearby golf course so we had to look out for any stray tee shots coming our way! After 2 miles we dropped down onto a sandy beach and had our coffee on rocks out of the wind. It was a very steep climb out of the cove with no steps, just grassy mounds so we decided it was a climb too far for me and we returned the way we came.


After lunch, Del got the bikes down and he set off on a 19 mile route and I cycled into North Berwick about a mile away! I got some groceries and revisited the Fat Face sale ( but didn’t get anything).


This is our last day of the Scotland 2023 tour, we have thoroughly enjoyed the trip and will certainly be coming back to Scotland.

Until the next one, take care everyone.😎


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Excellent updates and photos. Good hints


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Old Rascal
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4 min read
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