Newbie questions on water tanks and electrics (1 Viewer)

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Deleted User
Hi All,
use to caravan a lot years ago, now have just bought a Talbot Badger Aututrail with a 2 litre peugeot petrol engine.

We have sussed out the heating, fridge, hot water etc but I have two things I haven't managed to figure out and need to know before we go on a trip.

We have no instructions on the water tanks.
question 1
how do you empty the clean and waste water tanks? We can't find any info on this and can't see any obviuos drain /emptying points. (I am worried about the water in the tanks freezing in the cold weather).

question 2
the leisure battery charges from the engines alternator.
when I plug in mains hook up and select "main" on electric control panel the battery does not appear to be charging, voltage just sits on about 12.5 volts.
if auxillary is selected on the control panel the voltage across leisure battery posts goes up to over 13 volts, (appears to be charging).
I have no instructions on this and would like to be charging leisure battery while on mains hook up, but don't want to fry it!

thanks to anyone who can help with this.



Jul 19, 2007
Sutton on Sea, UK
Funster No
Adria Panel Van.
Since 1988
Hi Steve, many people give their tanks a dose of miltons or other steriliser every now and again. Unless they have filters, most do not drink direct from the tank, but are happy to clean teeth or wash veg from water in the tank.

As for freezing, get underneath and see if there is a low drain point, there probably will be. If there is not then make sure that if freezing weather is forecast that you van is as empty of water as can be, don't forget to drain the hot water as well.

As for your battery problems, they are beyond me, but i am sure someone here will be able to help.

Meanwhile, Welcome to the fun:Smile:


Free Member
May 30, 2008
Ilfracombe, Devon
Funster No
Amazon Ambassador
since 1967
Hi and welcome to the site, cannot help your specific questions but 12.5v is a very low voltage for the battery to be sitting at are you sure they don't need topping up or maybe even replacing the comming cold weather will sort it out. Aux setting should charge batteries and supply 12v to appliences on site the charger should have a built in regulator to prevent over charging. 13.8V is fully charged and even 14 would be ok but no more, that refers to the battery voltage after charging has ceased for at least an hour. charge rate may be anything up to 20V.


Dec 27, 2007
Funster No
A class
Can't remember ;)
Hi Steve in addition to Jim and Rogers reply's
If your batterys charging on mains h/up with auxillary selected then this sounds like it is charging the L/Batt on that.Check if it is chaging the starter batt with the switch on Main ?? It will more than likely be charging one or the other, hence switch.As there s no one standard for these things it is a case of switching switches and (carefully) pulling fuses to see what they do :thumb::ROFLMAO: Chances are you will have a twin relay that charges your l/b and powers your fridge while engine is running :thumb:all at the same time as your van batt is charging from the altenater,:thumb: While on h/up the charger will not fry the l/batt as they go in trikle mode once full charge is reached.:thumb:
If no drain type tap or anything then drain the tank through the taps to get as much water out as poss not forgetting to drain the waste tank ::bigsmile: any water left in should be minimal so will have plenty of room to expand (freeze)without bursting the tanks :Eeek::thumb::ROFLMAO:
BTW 52 today heehee
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