Just purchased an MPPT controller for my new solar panel, is it worth fitting a Blocking Diode on the solar panel Pos leg?, also put my multimeter across the Neg terminal and had continuity across all Neg terminals, this is a dual battery controller so I think i could use a 2:5 mm 3 core flex from controller to 1st battery(1 neg 2 pos) then onto second battery, reason for this is the controller is on one side of motorhome and batts are on the other, about a 3m run.
Just purchased an MPPT controller for my new solar panel, is it worth fitting a Blocking Diode on the solar panel Pos leg?, also put my multimeter across the Neg terminal and had continuity across all Neg terminals, this is a dual battery controller so I think i could use a 2:5 mm 3 core flex from controller to 1st battery(1 neg 2 pos) then onto second battery, reason for this is the controller is on one side of motorhome and batts are on the other, about a 3m run.