Morocco 2015 Merzouga (1 Viewer)

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Feb 9, 2008
Corby, Northants
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Since 2007
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One of the places we had on our radar was the sand dunes at Merzouga, it would seem everybody who has visited Morocco has been here and we were told it was worth doing even if a long drive.
After Zagora we made our way to Merzouga and the journey was simple apart from one stretch of road 48 K long which was off piste. Lots of vibration and slow speeds but doable providing you have sound tyres. If we were to visit again we would find an alternative route.
Merzouga was fine, a long line of hotels along the edge of the sand dunes offering services and places to stay with hook up at good prices.
We found a hotel next to the sand dunes and it was perfect, the view from our bedroom window was straight out into that desert vista and every day we would see the the camel trains going out with the tourists.
There was one mega sand dune that just had to be climbed which I did after about 6 days. The trick was to go in the morning before the sun started to do it's stuff.
I would recommend a visit to Merzouga if you have never been before.

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