I noticed, on a USB charger, that my battery voltage was very low. Thinking it was faulty, I checked the charge controller, a Steca PR3030. You can see the display in the photos attached. So I dismantled everything, to get to the second battery, in the living area because the other battery is under the front seat.
You can see the multimeter readings (see photo), the same as the USB charger. I checked the voltage at different points and all were the same. I then heard a beeping sound but I couldn't find where it was from. I then remembered the Victron Energy BMV-6005 battery monitor, connected to the Bus Bar. As you can see from the photo, it's even less than my multimeter but it was some time after. You can also see that it's showing an alarm.
I turned on the inverter and that was also showing a low battery voltage (see photo)
So why is the charge controller saying 13.4v and showing full SOC? Could their be a wirring problem or is it likely to be the charge controller?
Any ideas......
You can see the multimeter readings (see photo), the same as the USB charger. I checked the voltage at different points and all were the same. I then heard a beeping sound but I couldn't find where it was from. I then remembered the Victron Energy BMV-6005 battery monitor, connected to the Bus Bar. As you can see from the photo, it's even less than my multimeter but it was some time after. You can also see that it's showing an alarm.
I turned on the inverter and that was also showing a low battery voltage (see photo)
So why is the charge controller saying 13.4v and showing full SOC? Could their be a wirring problem or is it likely to be the charge controller?
Any ideas......