Was following a thread the other day about EHU on French aires and people being asked if they can use a splitter to share the hookup socket. I‘ve been contemplating getting one of those splitter adaptors for such a purpose but am now in a brain fog. The issue befuddling me is this: supposing the bourne has a total ampage of 6 amps. I solely connect up and, as I understand it, I can use items in my van up to 6amps. If then, I let someone share the bourne using my splitter, that 6amp capacity has now to be shared by both vans. As most aires that have bournes with electric hookup are rated at 6amps only, then it‘s likely that the bourne is going to trip almost as soon as the second van hooks up, unless there is a tacit or express understanding that each van will limit the power for, say, charging batteries or using the fridge.
if my understanding is correct, what is the etiquette involved in (a) asking to share the bourne and (b) being asked to share the bourne. I could imagine the reply could be, in both instances “tough ti**y, we got here first”.
if my understanding is correct, what is the etiquette involved in (a) asking to share the bourne and (b) being asked to share the bourne. I could imagine the reply could be, in both instances “tough ti**y, we got here first”.