So I fitted a cbe fan kit to a neighbours van the other week and I bought one for my van at same time, renewed the thermal paste as well
I'm away racing this weekend and the fridge is set as normal on gas, got the dial where we need it years ago and leave it alone, fridge went to -4 and freezer went into laboratory deep freeze with an outside temp of 26 degrees
Have had to relearn the fridge settings and try to cut frozen cheese
Recommend anyone with an older fridge (over 15 years) to do the re-paste treatment
I'm away racing this weekend and the fridge is set as normal on gas, got the dial where we need it years ago and leave it alone, fridge went to -4 and freezer went into laboratory deep freeze with an outside temp of 26 degrees
Have had to relearn the fridge settings and try to cut frozen cheese
Recommend anyone with an older fridge (over 15 years) to do the re-paste treatment