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My cat "Furbs" (called because as a kitten she sounded like a furby toy) thinks she's a dog lol, she is 2 year old now and I had the honour of been there when she was born (we had her mum as a pet but unfortunately she was run over last year) I have had many cats over the years but never one like Furbs never meet a cat with so much personality, she always comes when called (but only if you use her name) if I walk to the local shops she walks along side me and will sit and wait outside the shop then walk back with me. when ever I pull up outside the house in the car she will come running to greet me (unless I am in a different car). she has never used the litter tray in the house she will meow at the door to be out when she needs the toilet, if anyone strange comes to the house she will growl until I stroke her then she's fine, and she loves to travel in the car If i open the passenger door she will jump in and quite happily sit on the seat looking out of the window.