caravan club - all change ! (1 Viewer)

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Aug 17, 2012
Burton on Trent
Funster No
Autosleeper Winchcom
tenting,caravans,autotrail cheyenne,bolero, apache. and now Mercedes Autosleeper winchcombe
It seems the cravan club has had a major shakeup and not for the better.

i have just used the new booking form on Caravan Club - with great difficulty as well.
Not only has it thrown away my outfit details and forgotton who i am ect. They now want a 25% deposit or all of it at the time of booking. This of course flies in the face of the gentleman club that they used to be where they trust you to turn up and treat you like grown ups. NO MORE it seems.
This has now placed them equal footing with " the friendly club " which of course isnt . Having just returned from south of france where we stayed at a 4 star site with 3 pools, a club, and a lake for 16 euros im more than pissed off to be told to pay 28.20 at Brean sands in October.
The - by comparison, fleecing folk for every penny for any reason make me sick of uk sites and the mentality of charging for people children and dogs to push up the profits - if europe can do a good site for 15 quid - why does a site in the uk think 30-40 quid is ok ?? no wonder we all bugger off abroad..
Last edited:
Aug 17, 2012
Burton on Trent
Funster No
Autosleeper Winchcom
tenting,caravans,autotrail cheyenne,bolero, apache. and now Mercedes Autosleeper winchcombe
Yup, it’s there to make money!
of course i dont begrudge a profit.. but as i say - if the eu can do it for 16 and make a profit .. The answeR of course is that they are all independant and not controlled by a ruling body like CCC. I feel sure they will explain away the thinking but for me its a couple of bridges too far.
Oct 29, 2016
Funster No
Carthago C Tourer
Motor Homing 5 years, caravan previously
CMC had to change in taking deposits, ask yourself how many times you/we have been on a CMC site at a busy period like Xmas, and there have been too many no shows. All they ever got was a polite warning at best for not even having the decency to let the site now they could not make it within the 48 hour notice period.
The silly system they had every January which allowed members to book all the most coveted sites for the year ahead, some they even double booked would you believe, leaving them a choice nearer the time, of which site they preferred or the weather forecast was more promising., even then they didnt show up!
The same old story of the few selfish numpties, spoiling things for the many.

Thinking about it, if it was my/your site, I would demand, as most do, a deposit to secure the pitch, which would be non refundable if they failed to tell me within a certain timeline that they were not able to attend. You will find that arrangement on most sites in The UK.

The lack of deposit taking, was one of the reasons we left The CMC, the other was they didnt offer, as they suggested they would, non EHU pitches for self sufficient motor homes. The EHU price was included into the pitch price whether we wanted it or not, even more of a consideration in these high energy price times.
Taking a deposit is surely a good will gesture by both sides, which is why we do it with a lot of things we buy in life, it helps cement the thing that's missing these days...Trust

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Aug 17, 2012
Burton on Trent
Funster No
Autosleeper Winchcom
tenting,caravans,autotrail cheyenne,bolero, apache. and now Mercedes Autosleeper winchcombe
i agree some take the piss, but most like folk on another thread i was just reading life happens - it just does - frankly im too old to be made to feel i'm a naughty boy, and its only happened twice in my life personally., why not take a sensible veiwpoint and ask for a deposit from the people who have let them down previously instead of the usual blank across the board blind ruling ? I agree not allowing cheaper none EHU pitches is silly.
Anyway - im annoyed that they have removed the feeling i was dealing with a gentlemanly attitude of business and was trusted to be an adult .


Nov 21, 2020
Funster No
Rapido 8094DF
Since 2004
I understand your point about acting like grown ups, but it doesnt work that way with a lot of folks.
In fact lots act like children and want want want, and double book , leaving less space for those that are serious like me and are willing to pay a deposit to secure my place.

I welcome it. I dont expect when I book any holiday online for my bed to be there , when I havent secured it.
Aug 17, 2012
Burton on Trent
Funster No
Autosleeper Winchcom
tenting,caravans,autotrail cheyenne,bolero, apache. and now Mercedes Autosleeper winchcombe
Im sorry Tina you have me at an advantage - i never go anywhere peak season Christmas or otherwise. I dont like full sites.
Oct 29, 2016
Funster No
Carthago C Tourer
Motor Homing 5 years, caravan previously
We enjoyed escaping in the van at Xmas for 4 years since the Boy left home and wanted to be with his girlfriend & mates in London on the day.
We used The Baltic Wharf CMC site in Bristol,(now closed) which we had to book very early in the year to get at very high demand prices! They had limited pitches being in the centre of town, and last time we went there were 6 pitches sat empty with no shows over Xmas, and even when we left to head up North for New Years.
Sometimes things go wrong in life, but if it were friends or family we were letting down, I think most people would let them know they were not coming.
On one occasion I was unable to attend an Air Show Meet with The CMC as the vans fridge was kaput, I phoned 2 days before we were due, to let them know I couldn't make the 4 day event in summer with no fridge, they were very understanding, and I would have been happy to have lost my deposit as it was no fault of theirs.
Just an inevitable shame that so many "members" took the Pee by not turning up, or letting them know in time, but I agree the way the ex gasman has been treated is unfair.
Maybe time to say goodbye to these over priced Clubs Businesses, as you say much better value abroad in many cases, a wee birdie told me recently they have lower land & rate costs than us.
Oct 26, 2014
Dumfries and Galloway
Funster No
CMC had to change in taking deposits, ask yourself how many times you/we have been on a CMC site at a busy period like Xmas, and there have been too many no shows. All they ever got was a polite warning at best for not even having the decency to let the site now they could not make it within the 48 hour notice period.
The silly system they had every January which allowed members to book all the most coveted sites for the year ahead, some they even double booked would you believe, leaving them a choice nearer the time, of which site they preferred or the weather forecast was more promising., even then they didnt show up!
The same old story of the few selfish numpties, spoiling things for the many.

Thinking about it, if it was my/your site, I would demand, as most do, a deposit to secure the pitch, which would be non refundable if they failed to tell me within a certain timeline that they were not able to attend. You will find that arrangement on most sites in The UK.

The lack of deposit taking, was one of the reasons we left The CMC, the other was they didnt offer, as they suggested they would, non EHU pitches for self sufficient motor homes. The EHU price was included into the pitch price whether we wanted it or not, even more of a consideration in these high energy price times.
Taking a deposit is surely a good will gesture by both sides, which is why we do it with a lot of things we buy in life, it helps cement the thing that's missing these days...Trust
The online system doesn’t allow you to book two different sites on the same day , the system flags it up if you try to do that
As for a deposit system as much as I don’t agree with the idea it had to happen as minority of selfish members have ruined it for the majority

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Last edited:
May 21, 2008
Funster No
WildAx Constellation
Since 2008
I am not a CAMC member but I have no quarrel with CCC which I joined in 2008. I don't have a dog or children so policies like charging for them don't affect me. In fact the CCC sites that I have organised meets on have not charged for dogs but welcome them and most CCC sites have dog areas. They also mostly seem to have children's playgrounds. It doesn't bother me that I have to pay a deposit when I book a CCC site becuase I know that I will get a pitch. This is different from the previous deposit free bookings for CAMC sites when members could book up to a year in advance thus reserving pitches that they would never use.. If I have to postpone or cancel CCC has always been fair in re-bookng me. As an older person I get a good discount on my bookings. I also like the clean, tidy sites and standard of facilities, especially in winter when the shower blocks are heated. OK the club sites may be more expensive than French ones but I can rely on the high standard and I have no complaints about CCC apart from its dreadful web site!! It is likely they will all put their charges up anyway in the present economic climate, so check how much your French site is charging next year! WE should also remember that campsites are much more expensive to establish in the UK - land prices and planing permission plus all the rest. If the clubs can't make some profit then they will fold and you will have to pay private sites like Brean Sands prices..
Oct 26, 2014
Dumfries and Galloway
Funster No
I am not a CAMC member but I have no quarrel with CCC. I don't have a dog or children so policies like charging for them don't affect me. In fact the CCC sites that I have organised meets on have not charged for dogs but welcome them and most CCC sites have dog areas. They also mostly seem to have children's playgrounds. It doesn't bother me that I have to pay a deposit when I book a CCC site becuase I know that I will get a pitch. This is different from the previous deposit free bookings for CAMC sites when members could book up to a year in advance thus reserving pitches that they would never use.. If I have to postpone or cancel CCC has always been fair in re-bookng me. As an older person I get a good discount on my bookings. I also like the clean, tidy sites and standard of facilities, especially in winter when the shower blocks are heated. OK the club sites may be more expensive than French ones but I can rely on the high standard and I have no complaints about CCC apart from its dreadful web site!! It is likely they will all put their charges up anyway in the present economic climate, so check how much your French site is charging next year! WE should also remember that campsites are much more expensive to establish in the UK - land prices and planing permission plus all the rest. If the clubs can't make some profit then they will fold and you will have to pay private sites like Brean Sands prices..
Neither the Camping and Caravanning club (CCC)or the
Caravan and Motorhome Club
(C&MC) make a charge for dogs as far as I’m aware unlike many private sites that charge for every extra they can likes awnings , dogs , gazebos etc


Jan 24, 2019
Funster No
HymerCar Ayres Rock
It seems the cravan club has had a major shakeup and not for the better.

i have just used the new booking form on Caravan Club - with great difficulty as well.
Not only has it thrown away my outfit details and forgotton who i am ect. They now want a 25% deposit or all of it at the time of booking. This of course flies in the face of the gentleman club that they used to be where they trust you to turn up and treat you like grown ups. NO MORE it seems.
This has now placed them equal footing with " the friendly club " which of course isnt . Having just returned from south of france where we stayed at a 4 star site with 3 pools, a club, and a lake for 16 euros im more than pissed off to be told to pay 28.20 at Brean sands in October.
The - by comparison, fleecing folk for every penny for any reason make me sick of uk sites and the mentality of charging for people children and dogs to push up the profits - if europe can do a good site for 15 quid - why does a site in the uk think 30-40 quid is ok ?? no wonder we all bugger off abroad..
The masses have meant it’s no longer a gentleman’s club, if you’re planning to go somewhere where is the issue in paying a deposit or in full. Book a hotel B&B Holliday train plane cinema etc you pay so what is so wrong with the Caravan Club asking for a deposit or allowing payment in full.

It benefits all of us as people will stop randomly booking in case they want to go. Meaning more choice and availability. This can only be a good thing.


Aug 22, 2007
A little bit left of Middle England
Funster No
2006 A/S Nuevo
since 1988
We enjoyed escaping in the van at Xmas for 4 years since the Boy left home and wanted to be with his girlfriend & mates in London on the day.
We used The Baltic Wharf CMC site in Bristol,(now closed) which we had to book very early in the year to get at very high demand prices! They had limited pitches being in the centre of town, and last time we went there were 6 pitches sat empty with no shows over Xmas,

Just a heads-up. Baltic Wharf is still open!

I am not sure that taking a deposit will stop people not turning up if they change their minds due to weather etc. - the cost of fuel to get there is a far larger chunk of the cost of the holiday now.
Jun 22, 2012
Sherborne Dorset
Funster No
Van Conversion
Since 2012
I think charging a deposit is a good idea if it stops the annoying practice of block booking loads of places which you have little intention of going to.
I expect land is dearer in the UK than France and I expect rent and rates are higher so I’m never surprised that we pay more over here.
If people don’t like paying the prices then the CS and CL system is available if you want to keep paying your membership. It is optional however. There are independant campsites.

Food prices in supermarkets are now similar in France but booze is obviously cheaper. We do love France and can’t wait to go again next year but it is unrealistic to ever expect all our campsites to be the same price.

They have loads of space , many don’t stay open for more than a few months each year either so never have to worry about muppets heating their awnings!

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May 21, 2008
Funster No
WildAx Constellation
Since 2008
Having just returned from south of france where we stayed at a 4 star site with 3 pools, a club, and a lake for 16 euros im more than pissed off to be told to pay 28.20 at Brean sands in October.
So why choose a site which is not a club one, to rant about the clubs' prices? Brean Sands is not a club site but a commercial one! (But also welcomes dogs!)
Jul 18, 2009
Manchester UK + Javea/Xabia Spain + Abu Dhabi
Funster No
To the OP you can't compare sites in Europe with the ones in the UK. We just don't seem to be Able to do what Europeans can, sadly. If you look at CAMC accounts, they are not returning billions in profits.

As for CAMC taking deposits, couldn't come fast enough. I have rarely been able to book a pitch due to the January Hoggers, ad hoc bookers and selfish ......

With the exception of, where you can often book with cancelation up to 24/48 hours before. Many holiday business models ask at least a deposit.

Can you book an airline ticket with no deposit?
A holiday with no deposit ?
Book concert tickets with no deposit ?
Most Ferry companies want payment up-front, exception being Brittany Ferries who charge a premium for FLEXI


Oct 12, 2015
Funster No
Hymer b680
Prices will go up until people stop paying, the Europeans won't pay exorbitant prices so their prices are reasonable.
Jul 24, 2009
South Yorkshire
Funster No
Since 1999
The online system doesn’t allow you to book two different sites on the same day , the system flags it up if you try to do that
As for a deposit system as much as I don’t agree with the idea it had to happen as minority of selfish members have ruined it for the majority
I've been led to believe that some couples have a membership each and therefore can book 2 different sites on the same day and then pick the one they go to dependent on weather etc.
Aug 17, 2012
Burton on Trent
Funster No
Autosleeper Winchcom
tenting,caravans,autotrail cheyenne,bolero, apache. and now Mercedes Autosleeper winchcombe
The only people that begrudge paying a deposit, are people who aren’t 100% sure they’ll turn up! Why else?
Your wrong, i lament the reason it's nessesary, not the money, another benchmark of honesty gone

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Jun 5, 2014
Funster No
C Class
More than toes wet now!
I've been led to believe that some couples have a membership each and therefore can book 2 different sites on the same day and then pick the one they go to dependent on weather etc.
You are correct.
Aug 17, 2012
Burton on Trent
Funster No
Autosleeper Winchcom
tenting,caravans,autotrail cheyenne,bolero, apache. and now Mercedes Autosleeper winchcombe
So why choose a site which is not a club one, to rant about the clubs' prices? Brean Sands is not a club site but a commercial one! (But also welcomes dogs!)
i was referring to Hern Lane Club site ( which is very near to the real brean sands and walkable in 10 mins ) i didnt want to mention the clubs actual name as that would infer I was picking on it - which I am not - this is my beef about declining morals not the campsites themselves.
Last edited:
Nov 6, 2016
Bury St Edmunds
Funster No
Auto Trail Chieftain
Since 2015
It seems the cravan club has had a major shakeup and not for the better.

i have just used the new booking form on Caravan Club - with great difficulty as well.
Not only has it thrown away my outfit details and forgotton who i am ect. They now want a 25% deposit or all of it at the time of booking. This of course flies in the face of the gentleman club that they used to be where they trust you to turn up and treat you like grown ups. NO MORE it seems.
This has now placed them equal footing with " the friendly club " which of course isnt . Having just returned from south of france where we stayed at a 4 star site with 3 pools, a club, and a lake for 16 euros im more than pissed off to be told to pay 28.20 at Brean sands in October.
The - by comparison, fleecing folk for every penny for any reason make me sick of uk sites and the mentality of charging for people children and dogs to push up the profits - if europe can do a good site for 15 quid - why does a site in the uk think 30-40 quid is ok ?? no wonder we all bugger off abroad..
With reference to the deposit now being required, you can lay that firmly at the feet of the selfish B's who block booked across the country and then just used the ones they felt like at the time and left the others un used, That's what happens when you work on the gentlemanly trust system !!


Jan 24, 2019
Funster No
HymerCar Ayres Rock
Prices will go up until people stop paying, the Europeans won't pay exorbitant prices so their prices are reasonable.
Have you seen how much continental Motorhomes are?

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