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Hi, looking for some help please.
Have a 2012 Peugeot Elddis Autoquest 180 which (I'm pretty sure) charges the leisure battery (140ah) whilst travelling but I'm not aware if the system has a way to recharge the starter.
I've attached a photo of the control panel which has an AUX/VEH switch which I believe allows the habitat power source to be chosen.
My questions are;
Does this switch also select which battery is connected on EHU?
Are there any clues I can look for that will identify any charging system already installed?
In the absence of a system what can I install that will trickle charge the starter on EHU either at home or on a site?
Sorry to be a pain!
Have a 2012 Peugeot Elddis Autoquest 180 which (I'm pretty sure) charges the leisure battery (140ah) whilst travelling but I'm not aware if the system has a way to recharge the starter.
I've attached a photo of the control panel which has an AUX/VEH switch which I believe allows the habitat power source to be chosen.
My questions are;
Does this switch also select which battery is connected on EHU?
Are there any clues I can look for that will identify any charging system already installed?
In the absence of a system what can I install that will trickle charge the starter on EHU either at home or on a site?
Sorry to be a pain!