OK, a present from my eldest son, so would like to find lots of uses for it if possible.
So far we have
1. Played some Christmas carols
2. Had a weather forecast
And that’s about it.
So what do funsters do with theirs? Do you take them with you in the van, and other than weather forecast what do you get it to do? Or do you leave it at home in charge of the house, doing what precisely? When you’re at home what do you use it for?
Thanks in advance.
So far we have
1. Played some Christmas carols
2. Had a weather forecast
And that’s about it.
So what do funsters do with theirs? Do you take them with you in the van, and other than weather forecast what do you get it to do? Or do you leave it at home in charge of the house, doing what precisely? When you’re at home what do you use it for?
Thanks in advance.