Advice on Norway (1 Viewer)

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Free Member
Oct 8, 2013
Funster No
Auto Sleeper Kingham
Since May 2014
Hi everybody,

We would really like to do a couple of weeks in Norway, but keep getting put off by stories of expensive tolls food and drink. Won't let that stop us eventually, but is it true? And is it worth the extra cost?

What are the sites like?



Jun 23, 2010
Norfolk and Toftir.
Funster No
July 2010 (ex tugger)
Search the threads on here there have been a few recently, it's late otherwise I'd look a bit further but some of the MHF links I've saved are no longer working, maybe since the Fun site was upgraded.
Here's a couple to look at:

Here which is more Sweden but mentions costs.

Also read The Sundowners reports of their long trip. From memory I think they stuck mainly to Sweden and hopped in and out of Norway to reduce costs.

Given the lack of direct links, apart from the DFDS freight routes which again have been aired on Fun, it's a long way via the channel ports or even Rotterdam for two weeks. We're looking at Scandinavia for late spring but to justify cost and distance it will be four weeks+ for us.


Jul 11, 2008
Funster No
Knaus Sun 650MEG
We visited Norway this summer along with Sweden and Denmark, personally i would say its worth the extra cost. We only got as far as Flam so not that far north, we also sepnt a couple of nights in Oslo before heading down the coast for the ferry to Denmark.
We stayed at a campsite in Flam, if you look at the prices you will see its not any more expensive than equivalent UK site. When we stayed in Oslo we parked up at the MH park next to the Marina off the top of my head i think it was around £15 with hook up can check if you want exact. We also stayed the night at a small CL style site on the way to Flam for £10 a night with hook up.
The two days we spent in Oslo weren't overly expensive, we ate at TGI Fridays and it worked out about £5 more than the UK for the 3 of us. If you want to drink alcohol then that could be a different story as the average pint when we looked was about £14, so take a few cans in with you but be careful as they do custom checks on the motorway, as for tolls we only used the one round Oslo and one when heading down the coast to catch ferry and we received the bill last month for £13.02 not much for a 4t 7.5M long MH although it could add up if using a few. I would recommend buying the Nordic motorhome book it saved us a fortune and lead us to places we would never have dreamt of.
If you need any more info on our trip let me know and will get back to you when home, better go and do some work now.

Bertie Bassett

Free Member
Jul 25, 2014
Funster No
C Class
since 1988
Hi everybody,

We would really like to do a couple of weeks in Norway, but keep getting put off by stories of expensive tolls food and drink. Won't let that stop us eventually, but is it true? And is it worth the extra cost?

What are the sites like?


Hello Simon, as someone who has traveled to Denmark, Norway and Sweden on many occasions I can only it, if only the once! If you're a big drinker your Bank Manager will urge you not to go, if you aren't other things can be more expensive, particularly fresh fruit, veg and meat but fish is 'relatively speaking' cheaper. For the definitive and most up to date guide have a look at the following blog which is still in the writing as the participants aren't long back. I commend the writer to you as someone who does not hold back........if the service is rubbish, he will let you (and them) know!(y) Brilliant campsite critique ranging from mega thumbs up(y) to the mega pits (n)and all the variants in between! Add to this information on wild camp sites, fuel and provision stop offs, road tolls and which Tourist Information Centres provide the best and most accurate information and this is the blog (imo) for anyone planning a trip North. Enjoy.
Last edited:


Nov 3, 2011
Funster No
4 berth low profile
starting on saturday 10/3/2012
its bloody cold :whistle:

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Feb 24, 2013
Bolsover, Derbyshire
Funster No
Hymer S800
not long enough
its bloody cold :whistle:

I thought that when we went over to Lillehammer with the scouts in the 70's, we all got sunburnt in August, temperatures well into the 70's

Maybe it is a bit colder now though :D (y)

We visited Norway this summer along with Sweden and Denmark,
If you want to drink alcohol then that could be a different story as the average pint when we looked was about £14, so take a few cans in with you but be careful as they do custom checks on the motorway

Do you know if they have published limits of what alcohol you can have with you? will do some checks myself, but better to ask someone who has just been, we generally carry a couple of bottles of gin all the time

I plan to go for September next year, so very grateful for input here (y)


Jul 11, 2008
Funster No
Knaus Sun 650MEG
I thought that when we went over to Lillehammer with the scouts in the 70's, we all got sunburnt in August, temperatures well into the 70's

Maybe it is a bit colder now though :D (y)

It was wall to wall sunshine when we visited this summer I somehow don't think its like that all the time :)

Do you know if they have published limits of what alcohol you can have with you? will do some checks myself, but better to ask someone who has just been, we generally carry a couple of bottles of gin all the time

I plan to go for September next year, so very grateful for input here (y)

Have a look here this will give you the correct info

We aren't big drinkers so it had never crossed my mind to check as we normally just have a case of Magners in the garage, this year however we actually had a couple of bottles of spirits and a case of lager so lucky never got stopped. The customs where just over the border form Sweden and they actually closed the motorway and diverted every Vechile through the nothing to declare and declare gates, we did notice every Motorhome with the Norway number plate where stopped and searched s I think their main aim is to stop locals bringing in cheap booze. So just stick your bottle of gin in your water tank :)
Oct 29, 2012
Funster No
Rapido 9090df
20 years (unless you count my dads VW which makes it 52 years with a few gaps!!)
Hi everybody,

We would really like to do a couple of weeks in Norway, but keep getting put off by stories of expensive trolls food and drink. Won't let that stop us eventually, but is it true? And is it worth the extra cost?

What are the sites like?

fixed that for you:D


Free Member
May 17, 2008
South Shropshire
Funster No
Van Conversion
since 2005 (but 30 years caravanning)
We were there 2 years ago - it was the best trip we have ever done. Went right to the top and back through Finland and Sweden.

Camp sites are not expensive. Also wild camping is allowed and safe. We wild camped quite extensively. In the North there are earth closets in which you can empty loos (provided they have no destructive chemicals). We had no trouble finding water.

There are a few - but enough if you know where they are - places to refill LPG.

Fuel is a bit expensive but not as much as I had feared. Eating out is expensive but in truth there were not that many places to eat out anyway.

The biggest difference in cost is alcohol. Anything alcoholic is very expensive and not sold in normal supermarkets.
And, you cannot take it with you - or at least its risky. We were stopped and very thoroughly searched entering Norway from a ferry from Denmark. They were looking for tobacco or alcohol. There are strict limits re what you are allowed to take in and in my experience they are enforced.

But the scenery is out of this world, and the people were friendly. I would say go!


Jul 25, 2007
Funster No
put off by stories of expensive tolls

We are also planning a visit and I've done some research ... and yes road, bridge and tunnel tolls are expensive and especially so if your van is over 6 mt, they can be treble or even quadruple the under 6mt cost .:eek:

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we plan to stock up on basic non perishable foodstuffs to last a few weeks .. Fresh fish bought locally seems to be the cheapest option for protein.. and I also plan to do some sea fishing which I've heard is really good.. so that should supplement the budget.

don't drink so not a concern...

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