I've bought some solar panels with controller to hook up to the leisure. However I then need to connect a 12v socket. The solar panels connect with alligator clips to the battery. the only sockets I've seen do the same.
can anyone help me? thanks
You don't want to use croc clips dangerous thing easy to get a spark and start a fire. Better to terminate the cables with suitable connectors to suit your battery connectors.
Often the battery will have a clamp with 6mm bolts so you just need 6 mm ring terminals.
It sounds very much like you bought free standing/portable solar panels?
Neither panel or controller would come with Croc clips attached if they were for roof mounting.
Your profile advises you have a boat rather than a motorhome. If you can advise how you are positioning the solar panel when , I assume , your boat is moored up , someone may be able to advise.
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