Found this cardboard Emergency Key Card in my paperwork, the reverse has a four digit PIN code and instructions to enter the code by turning on and off the ignition then counting LED blinks.
Our van is a 2001 Pilote G270 with a 2.8Hdi engine.
Any idea what system that is for? As far as I am aware we have no burglar alarm although there are what looks like two ultrasonic detectors set into the front coaming/dash board surround.
Do not want to play with it in case I end up not being able to start.
Our van is a 2001 Pilote G270 with a 2.8Hdi engine.
Any idea what system that is for? As far as I am aware we have no burglar alarm although there are what looks like two ultrasonic detectors set into the front coaming/dash board surround.
Do not want to play with it in case I end up not being able to start.