What if I uprate my MPW? (1 Viewer)

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Oct 7, 2007
N. Devon
Funster No
A Class
7 Years after 5 years with caravan.
We've been looking at our payload. Last year we took it to the weighbridge with what we keep in the van (bedding, kitchenware, crockery, stand alone awning, ramps etc.) added a few bits and pieces of clothing, some food, filled the water tank and had a not quite full fuel tank. Horrified to find we were bang on our max (3.5 tonnes) without the wife in it. (No comment please - I already thought of it and got A LOOK:swear:. :ROFLMAO:)

So last week we took everything out, drained the FW had only a third of a tank of fuel and took it back to the weightbidge. 3.040 tonnes. Working out the Mass in running order, plus the permanent accessories (bike rack, wind-out awning and such like, it appears that we can take a basic kit (no S/O awning, no BBQ, no bikes) and one passenger and luggage, or we can take the stuff but nobody else.

Obviously (it seems to me) in order to get more payload we need to uprate the Max. Permissible. What are the downside issues with doing this, other than restricted access to some towns in Europe? Do we pay more road tax, insurance and such like? I know about the Go-box issue in Austria, but what other things are there out there to bite the unaware?

All contributions gratefully accepted (except the rude ones ::bigsmile:).



Aug 26, 2007
Dark side of the moon
Funster No
Since 2005
sounds to me like an expensive option to uprate the MPW.
i dont know how big your water tank is but a full 100ltr tank will weight 100kg.
if you only use campsites you could always drain the fresh water tank, all but a few ltrs, and refill at the next site.
also drain off your grey tank when leaving site as this will save a quite few kgs.
bit of a pain but any weight saving is a good saving.

you could always upgrade to a bigger van of coarse.:thumb:

or, you could do as others do and forget about it.:whatthe:

last time i used a weightbridge was to buy gravel, 3/4ton trailer........1. 1/4ton gravel. you dont think i was unloading 1/2 ton by hand do you.:Blush:


Free Member
Oct 7, 2007
N. Devon
Funster No
A Class
7 Years after 5 years with caravan.
sounds to me like an expensive option to uprate the MPW.
i dont know how big your water tank is but a full 100ltr tank will weight 100kg.
if you only use campsites you could always drain the fresh water tank, all but a few ltrs, and refill at the next site.
also drain off your grey tank when leaving site as this will save a quite few kgs.
bit of a pain but any weight saving is a good saving.
Yep, already taken into account (100 kgs):thumb:
you could always upgrade to a bigger van of coarse.:thumb:
Can't afford it & wouldn't want to - not yet anyway
or, you could do as others do and forget about it.:whatthe:
Not an option with my luck; I'd be sure to get pulled over at Tiverton on our way upcountry

last time i used a weightbridge was to buy gravel, 3/4ton trailer........1. 1/4ton gravel. you dont think i was unloading 1/2 ton by hand do you.:Blush:

A chap at the dealership thought it was just an upgrade to the front suspension for the mechanical side - he's checking it out for me. It's all the other stuff.



Deleted User
In answer

H, please be aware that the eu is rerateing the driving licences and reducing the weight of HGV in line, at the moment it stands at 7.5 ton if like me you have pasted your test with a horse and cart, But the new laws don,t allow non hgv drivers to drive anything over 3.5 ton. so this may effect your resale value later if you uprate the chassis plate.
also many places with europe are closed to motorhomes over 3.5 tons and you may also find your self paying more to use the roads also.
best bet is cut down on the water, whats the point of having full water tanks.
I keep the tank half full and only fill up when near the stop over.
Jul 29, 2007
Funster No
RV and PVC
30 years
Hi john, road tax if you inform the DVLA that you have upgraded over 3.5tons you should be reclassified as a PHGV and save yourself £5 a year on road tax. ::bigsmile:
My 2litre Galaxy is £180 per year, my 8.1litre RV is £165. ::bigsmile:

I have heard that licenses are changing but not until about 2010 or later I believe.
Tolls, I doubt it will make much difference, how will they know you have uprated from 3.5 to 3.8 unless they leave the booth and have a look at your plate. the same applies to driving in restricted weight areas, I do it in my RV :Blush: without any trouble. I know cursed it now, next time I do it I will get the book thrown at me.:Doh:

On the new fords (2004 onwards?) its just a paper exercise to uprate, costs a couple of hundred, don't know about other makes.


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Free Member
Oct 7, 2007
N. Devon
Funster No
A Class
7 Years after 5 years with caravan.
Thanks for the replies so far. The Ford thing sounds good - pity I've got a Ducato. :Sad:

If they change the licensing structure there are going to be hundreds of thousand of motorhome owners in the clag, aren't there? Sounds nuts to me.



Jul 31, 2007
Herne Bay
Funster No
Low profile Rapido
Since 2005 ish
Hi jaydee
Contact SV Tech, they up-rated us from 3,200 to 3,500kgs for (i think) £200.
We could have gone straight to 3,850 with no modification but our boys wouldn't
have been able to borrow the van as they past their tests post 97.
They'll need all your tyre details when you phone, so they can check the load-ratings.
ps thats on a 98 ducato



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Aug 12, 2007
North Notts
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Involved with Caravans and Motorhomes over 15 years
I'm familiar with the Advantage and 3495kg MTPLM was the standard but a factory upgrade was available and some dealers bought them in on Maxi Chassis.

There is a slim chance that it might be on Maxi chassis and downgraded to 3500. First thing to check is the wheel size. If its on 16" rims, you might be lucky - then pull out Your Certificate of Conformity from your Dethleffs pack (which Dethleffs supply with every new vehicle) It will be in German and may give more info but should state 3500.

If it is on Maxi and downplated it is a simple matter of getting a new plate and Certificate of Conformity from Dethleffs, then notifying the DVLA.

The above is unlikely but worth checking before you spend money.


Deleted User
In answer

Hi, re the weight checks, well in the UK and most of europe it maybe OK to to let the law slip a bit and to drive in areas that at over 3.5 tons you are not allowed to do, But with all things in europe the are starting to check more and more. In germany the police have little axle scales and do check the paperwork at times, as you all no their is a plate on the outside of most motorhomes these days for just that reason. Also if you look on a number of german sites, the weight issue is big. In swizerland you buy a ticket to drive on their roads, and anything over 3.5 tons there is a big step in price, also if you are stopped and the motorhome checked and you are in the wrong group its a big fine.
The issue with the licence changing is mainly to do with the resale value of the motorhome, will more people want to buy a 3.5 ton motorhome that they can drive on a car licence or one over 3.5 ton that needs an HGV.
BEST bet is to cut down on the water, and leave as is.

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Mar 23, 2008
St Neots
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VW Campervan
Since 2001
The maximum permissible mass is often officially quoted at 3500 kg in order to get around the problems associated with vehicles that are over this magic figure.

Sometimes the "real" maximum permissible mass is more so an upgrade can be made without any mechanical changes.

If, like me, you are nearly at the horrific age of 70 then it quite important to stay at or under 3500 kg so that you do not have problems when renewing your driving licence at 70 years.


Free Member
Oct 7, 2007
N. Devon
Funster No
A Class
7 Years after 5 years with caravan.
Thanks for all the replies here.
The dealership did look into it for me and apparently 'all' that I need to do is to uprate the front suspension (this struck me as odd, since all the extra weight is carried at the rear, until I thought about what happens to all the extra weight when I apply the brakes - it is transferred onto the front suspension, of course; that explained it!) I was told that the new front end suspension would cost about £500 plus the same to fit it, plus the admin with VOSA, etc. so we said sod it. We'll continue as we are and cut our coat accordingly.

Thanks again everybody. :thumb:


Free Member
Jan 28, 2008
Funster No
14 months
Hi found this very interesting as my husband is now 70 and his new licence, once over 70 states he is only allowed to drive 3.5tons.
We have not gone far yet in our Motorhome which is 3.5ton so very worried about taking on board the other neccessary items we need,like awning,bikes and ME of course.
We also have a top box and a ladder which he is going to take both off,he feels it will stop
the drag and help the fuel.Perhaps we will have to try the weighbridge, before and after, just to see what weight we are.If not looks like I will have to drive it.We try to keep everything down to a minimum, but when away like the chairs,barbi,and awning with groundsheet.We dont drive with any water in our tanks,always fill up and empty on site,so thought this would be ok for most other items to take on board.He has just had a cateract off his eye,and awaiting the other one to be done.He is going to apply to DVLA to increase his ability to drive up to 7ton he will have to have a medical, and also a medical each year,but he is happy to do that to make sure we are legal.Hope they will pass him.Has anybody over 70, had their new licence changed to drive bigger Motorhomes?would be interesting to know.Keep up the good work,its a brillient site,



Free Member
Jul 1, 2008
Funster No
Hymer B544
Since 2003
Hi jaydee
Contact SV Tech, they up-rated us from 3,200 to 3,500kgs for (i think) £200.
We could have gone straight to 3,850 with no modification but our boys wouldn't
have been able to borrow the van as they past their tests post 97.
They'll need all your tyre details when you phone, so they can check the load-ratings.
ps thats on a 98 ducato


Would agreed totally. Up rated out Hymer from 3500 to 3850.. 1999 Ducato Just over £200. The only thing you have to be a little careful of is making sure you do not overload each axle...but that should not be too much of a problem if you are careful. With my previous Benimar managed to up rate it to 4100 as it had air ride suspension..

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