Can anyone help me.
We had an accident with our whale space heater Elddis 185. The sink overflowed and flooded the heater. I replaced the heater with a new unit £1200. An electrician helped me replace it not difficult four bolts and two plugs.
on our first outing with new heater it did not sound right didn’t seem to have much go. Ended up not working. Complained to supplier. They replaced it with a new one. No problem. Fitted new heater. It did not work. Spoke with electrician he said check the wiring and I found that when I moved the male & female plug in the heater it came on and worked and the more I moved the plug the better it sounded. On further investigation one of the pins in the whale heater had dropped down so was not connected properly. I managed to get my hand in the heater and push the pins so they have all ? plugged in. This must have been the problem with the first heater because all of the pins must do something and I think the pin that tells the fan to go must have been the one not connecting properly and the first heater must have overheated. So the heater works ok now…( sort off) when we use it on gas works loverly nice and hot. On electric fan works ok but hardly any heat. So we now stay on electric hookup.. but use a fan heater if on electric.
If we don’t have electric. We use gas and it’s fine. I don’t really want to bugger about with it. AGAIN. As it does work on gas and we usually stay on sites with electricity. So fan heater is ok. Should I complain to whale? As I only plugged it in and it’s male the pins that’s in the heater Which dropped. And my plug looks fine. Any ideas on what to do please.
Can anyone help me.
We had an accident with our whale space heater Elddis 185. The sink overflowed and flooded the heater. I replaced the heater with a new unit £1200. An electrician helped me replace it not difficult four bolts and two plugs.
on our first outing with new heater it did not sound right didn’t seem to have much go. Ended up not working. Complained to supplier. They replaced it with a new one. No problem. Fitted new heater. It did not work. Spoke with electrician he said check the wiring and I found that when I moved the male & female plug in the heater it came on and worked and the more I moved the plug the better it sounded. On further investigation one of the pins in the whale heater had dropped down so was not connected properly. I managed to get my hand in the heater and push the pins so they have all ? plugged in. This must have been the problem with the first heater because all of the pins must do something and I think the pin that tells the fan to go must have been the one not connecting properly and the first heater must have overheated. So the heater works ok now…( sort off) when we use it on gas works loverly nice and hot. On electric fan works ok but hardly any heat. So we now stay on electric hookup.. but use a fan heater if on electric.
If we don’t have electric. We use gas and it’s fine. I don’t really want to bugger about with it. AGAIN. As it does work on gas and we usually stay on sites with electricity. So fan heater is ok. Should I complain to whale? As I only plugged it in and it’s male the pins that’s in the heater Which dropped. And my plug looks fine. Any ideas on what to do please.