Hi Everyone. We had an issue with our starter battery over the weekend, an unexpected voltage drop with a Vanbitz Battery Master (I need to call them to check this) meant I had to jump the engine battery. The Victron Smartshunt had %89 and 12.2v on the Leisure batteries (it had been in covered storage since 26.03.2022) but the starter battery was down to 11.2v (beyond the .7v difference) and couldn't crank the engine. I used a Norco pack on the starter battery and got the van started.
The issue I had was that I had to connect the Norco pack directly to the battery under the passenger side floor as I couldn't jump the battery from the terminal in the engine bay. With a voltmeter directly on the engine battery it was 11.2v pre-jump which was the same as the habitation panel (listed as 'fair'). When I tried to use the Norco and also jump leads on the engine bay points nothing happened.
I checked the voltage on the engine bay positive point and it was negligible. The reading didn't change beyond a background fluctuation. The question is, should I see the same voltage on the engine bay positive point as I see directly on the battery? If I don't, as is the case, does that mean the engine point may be disconnected from the battery? Has anyone ever measured the voltage on that positive engine bay point?
The issue I had was that I had to connect the Norco pack directly to the battery under the passenger side floor as I couldn't jump the battery from the terminal in the engine bay. With a voltmeter directly on the engine battery it was 11.2v pre-jump which was the same as the habitation panel (listed as 'fair'). When I tried to use the Norco and also jump leads on the engine bay points nothing happened.
I checked the voltage on the engine bay positive point and it was negligible. The reading didn't change beyond a background fluctuation. The question is, should I see the same voltage on the engine bay positive point as I see directly on the battery? If I don't, as is the case, does that mean the engine point may be disconnected from the battery? Has anyone ever measured the voltage on that positive engine bay point?