Undertaking warranty work.... (1 Viewer)

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Feb 14, 2015
Cleveland UK
Funster No
Going back a few years now we were caravanners and one of the things I remember about getting any work done on a new 'van was that it had to be undertaken by the supplying dealer. Another dealer selling the same 'van who might be closer could not do warranty work even if they also held a franchise for the exact same make.

1 - Does the same apply nowadays with motor homes.

2 - Can warranty work on the mechanicals (as opposed to the the 'habitation bits) be undertaken by say any FIAT dealer (as an example) who handles commercial vehicles.



Jul 7, 2009
Nr Jct 3 M6
Funster No
C class
Aug 09 to date 9,000 miles!
Ah well, it probably depends on exactly what the warranty work is ..... if it's not really the MoHo mfrs wtty, but is eg a Dometic, Truma, Thetford warranty - anyone authorised will do it as they've rarely been actually purchased off them.

However the MoHo itself I believe it's optional - after all they haven't made a penny for the sale but they have to fund the work - labour and parts - until the mfr reimburses them, one imagines at a lower labour rate than they charge punters - and they could have spent that time working for punters and charging full price, couldn't they? But I don't see how any mfr could MAKE you have it done 'only where you bought it'.

Fiat - take it to any Fiat dealership that deals with motorhomes is the answer. Bought our Swift at Marquis in Northampton and had the warranty work on the gearbox done by the Fiat place just up the road from home - having contacted Fiat customer service via the guys on the Fiat stand at the NEC show that year!

We needed a new road wheel last year in France - tyre was OK - and just took it to the nearest Fiat place in the 'CamperAssist' book - they originally misunderstood and thought we were trying to claim under warranty which we weren't - but they would have done it quite happily if we were - even though we bought it in Wolverhampton. Got it for next day, NP.


Jul 7, 2009
Nr Jct 3 M6
Funster No
C class
Aug 09 to date 9,000 miles!
Oh - meant to say, we had a fridge prob within the first 12 months. Rang Hayes where we had it from - Bill (Hayes) said they didn't do them themselves but would contact the local Dometic engineer. We said, oh is it Malcolm Bloggs, it was - so we rang Malcolm and he came here and sorted it parked on our drive.

Lenny HB

Oct 18, 2007
On the coast in West Sussex
Funster No
Carthago Compactline
Since 2008 & many years tugging
Going back a few years now we were caravanners and one of the things I remember about getting any work done on a new 'van was that it had to be undertaken by the supplying dealer. Another dealer selling the same 'van who might be closer could not do warranty work even if they also held a franchise for the exact same make.

1 - Does the same apply nowadays with motor homes.

2 - Can warranty work on the mechanicals (as opposed to the the 'habitation bits) be undertaken by say any FIAT dealer (as an example) who handles commercial vehicles.


Yes for the Fiat part you can take it to any Fiat dealer that can handle your type of vehicle.

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