Having just checked the spare tyre on our van I have discovered it’s 16 years old. Presumably its been under the van from new. It has never been fitted because it still has the mould marks on it.
It is tempting to leave it because it has probably been out of the sun but I am too cautious to take that risk. The Vanco Campers were fitted by Tyres on the Drive because there was no one stocking them locally. Apparently they don’t cover this area now so any suggestions would be welcome.
I know I should have bought five when we had the others fitted but we were in a bit of a rush to get out in our new to us motorhome.
It is tempting to leave it because it has probably been out of the sun but I am too cautious to take that risk. The Vanco Campers were fitted by Tyres on the Drive because there was no one stocking them locally. Apparently they don’t cover this area now so any suggestions would be welcome.
I know I should have bought five when we had the others fitted but we were in a bit of a rush to get out in our new to us motorhome.