Turkish Carnet? (1 Viewer)

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Free Member
May 13, 2008
Funster No
I've also posted this on another site just in case you don't all read them all!
We're planning a trip to Turkey next spring and I've heard from someone who has been there ,but I don't know when, that a carnet is required with a bond for a large amount based on the value of the vehicle (x2?).
I searched a number of sites but can't find this information, only some info. for commercial vehicles and resident foreigners importing vehicles. Can anyone cast light on this?


Free Member
Jul 30, 2007
In my house
Funster No
Virtual RV!!
10 Years

You shouldnt have any problems as long as you are not staying any longer than 6 months. The border guards will stamp your passport with a kind of visa that allows you to stay in the country with your vehicle for no more than 6 months. The huge deposit only applies to people wanting to import a vehicle perminantly into Turkey. :Eeek:

Ive never took a vehicle to Turkey but we have a property out there, i know a couple of members go on a fairly regular basis and will be able to confirm what i believe to be correct. :thumb: :thumb:


Deleted User
I am sure you are talking about the carnet de passage and rest assured this is not needed for Turkey. If you are going to Iran, as we did this year then you will need a carnet. Carnets de passage are available from the RAC (very expensive) or ADAC (much easier and less costly).

If you are going to Istanbul then the car park just past the bridge right in the centre is a good place to stop. Get there about 6.30 pm and then there is room to move and get a spot for a few days. The Blue Mosque is just minutes away as are the Souk and lots of restaurants. The car park has no facilities so go prepared.

bon voyage :thumb:

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