Travel Tips Italy (1 Viewer)

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Don Madge

Deceased RIP
Aug 27, 2007
East Yorks
Funster No
Van Conversion
Too Long


Camping Michelangelo ( is situated in an olive grove overlooking the old city of Florence. There are fine views of the city from the site. There is a bus stop outside the site or one can walk to the city in about twenty minutes. It has two shortcomings the price 30 Euro per night and 3 amp electricity.

We stayed three nights but most people only stayed two. The site is excellent for short stays and the facilities are very good and well maintained. The site does have problems when it's wet. The lower pitches tend to get waterlogged after heavy rain.

The site gets very crowded. If you have anything over seven metres arrive on site before midday. The reception staff are very helpful with maps and directions etc.


Leave Autostrada A1 at Florence Certosa. Follow the Florence signs for about 3 miles then follow Piazzale Michelangelo (Yellow sign) signs. This is a very large viewing area overlooking the city. The site is on the left 200 metres past the viewing point. If approaching from any other direction just follow the signs for Piazzle Michelangelo which is well signed from the city centre.


The cheapest way to see Venice is to free camp at Punti Sabbioni and then the ferry to St Marks (6 Euro & 50 minutes). They run every half hour throughout the day.

Take the road signed Cavallino/Punti Sabbioni from Jessolo at the ferry terminal turn left and parking is available on the left in approx 200 metres. There is also Camper Service parking area Euro 14 per night (Parking/electricity/water/tank emptying facility) at approx 500 metres in the same direction. Camping Mirimare is next to the camper parking and they charge Euro 19 per night.

There is also parking by turning right at the ferry terminal and parking is available on the left in approx 300 metres.

This is the situation in mid May. It could change in the high season as parking is at a premium in the area.

A new bus station/paid parking area is under construction at the ferry terminal. It's due for completion in mid July.

As you approach Punti Sabbioni you will see the tourist coach park on the right. When you have passed the coach park you will most likely see people standing in the middle of the road waving their arms about. Don't panic they are only trying to get you to use their paid parking areas at five Euro a go. They can get pretty persistent when business is slow

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