Toyota Hiace Devon Sunrise - where to locate a bigger battery. (1 Viewer)

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Feb 1, 2015
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, just cos I can!
Funster No
Pop-Top Campervan
I have a recently acquired 2003 Devon Sunrise.

It comes fitted with a piddly 60AH leisure battery.

I have a nearly-new 110AH sitting in my shed which I want to fit to the camper (the battery, not the shed!).

The existing 60AH is fitted below the cupboard floor in a tight gap behind the rear wheel arch - far too small to take the 110AH.

There is a work-around by strengthening the cupboard floor and fitting the larger battery on top but I'm not too keen on that.

What I'd really like is for another Sunrise member here to tell me he's just done what I'm looking to do and has come up with the perfect location to fit the bigger battery.

Any takers?
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