MONDAY 16TH MAY TO MONDAY 23rd MAY 2022 (incl.)
We have great pleasure in inviting all subscribing Funsters to a Rally at Topsham Rugby Club, Topsham, nr Exeter.
Come the day of Booking all you have to do is post “I’d like to come” and, if you’re
In the first 38 Funsters, you’re in.
This is in order to give every Funster the chance to see this and discuss the event with their mates
The Rugby Club have a Licensed Bar which we are hoping to use.
Bus Stop outside the door that will take you to Exeter, (and beyond) and in the other direction, Exmouth and even Sidmouth.
A Railway station, again taking you to Exeter (and beyond) and Exmouth.
An Aldi within walking distance, <(½ mile)
This is but a small selection of, ‘Things to do’
Topsham, we understand, has 5 pubs and several eateries. Good walking country including a riverside walk to Exmouth.
Topsham Quay Antique Centre, (A large wharf warehouse crammed with antiques. As seen on TV)
River cruises
Darts Farm Shop, (There are Farm Shops, and then there is Darts Farm.) Look it up.
Location; Topsham Rugby Club, Exeter Road, Topsham, Exeter, Devon, EX3 0LY
Co-ords ; N50.688829 W3.47077
The event starts at 12noon on Monday 16th May 2022 and finishes 11.00am 23rd May.
This is a seven night event. The cost of attending is £63 per unit.
Please note. There is no EHU where we are pitched, however, there are facilities to charge Batteries on site.
Topsham is a very old, ‘quaint’ town sitting on the banks of the River Exe estuary.
Facilities; Topsham Rugby Club has a Club House which we can use.
Access; The Club has a gated entry which we will lock at night. (Pedestrian access still allowed)
Toads. There is a separate tarmac Car Park for these.
Dogs; Dogs will be allowed, although prohibited on the actual Rugby pitches. They can be exercised around the margins and should be kept on leads at all times.
Generators; Generators are allowed. If you intend to use them please advise us when booking. You will be sited separately and they can only be used in “Social Hours”
Deposit. When you get on the List, I will send all attendees a Conversation advising as to where the Deposit should be sent and asking for unit details.
N.B. We appreciate that in a small number of cases there may be Funsters who have to cancel. The Final Payment will be repaid if that place is filled by someone on the Reserve List? Otherwise £10 will be forfeited and that money will go to Charity.
On the assumption that COVID will still be impacting in some way in which we operate as a Rally, we will be providing Bug Sterilising solution and appropriate signage at Fresh Water points and Elsan emptying points.
Gazebo’s (Pop up Quests) will be allowed.
We have no idea as to what events will be taking place at Topsham but we will be bringing the Cornish Skittles and no doubt there will be other 'stuff' taking place for the enjoyment of all.
We will be bringing our collection of Good, Clean, (Condition, if not content) Paperbacks which will be on sale in Aid of Prostate Cancer UK.
We will be having a Charity Raffle, again for the benefit of Prostate Cancer UK
I will not be accepting bookings from 'Third Parties' on this event. If you wish to attend with a mate, you will both, (or more) have to book in your own name.
Derek and Mary AKA Emmit
1. Emmit Derek and Mary
2. petenshirley Pete and Shirley
3. Grimsbygranny Christine Full Payment HX14 CNN PVC UK
4. Floydster Paul Full Payment EO68 CKY PVC UK
5. John W John and Brenda Full Payment V10 WOR A Class Cont.
6. Tinker2 Trevor & Sue Full Payment C17 TSM Coach UK Toad
7. carolyn Carolyn and Nick (Tues) Full Payment YK69 OGE PVC Cont. Q
8. SandS Stan and Sheila Full Payment FG15 UYT Coach UK
9. welshcake lady Jeff and Chris Full Payment CU07 AKY A Class Cont.
10. BILL 875 Bill and Lynn Full Payment BIL 875 A Class Cont.
11. Taran_Las Phil Full Payment PDO 262 A Class Cont. Q
12. whingyraindrop Lorraine and Mike Full Payment WA56 EBG A Class UK Car
13. quickweh Mike and Pauline Full Payment HY09 CFA A Class Cont. Q
14. Polar bear Graham and Jayne Full Payment WX66 CHK Coach UK
15. martindevon Martin Full Payment FX57 AVL Coach Cont.
16. gefsal Geoff and Sally Full Payment WA22BXG PVC Cont.
17. rerkingsmoor Roger and Dawn Full Payment R999 DOR A Class
18. JTharleybob Jeremy and Amanda Full Payment T50 JBT Coach UK
19. Wombles Karen and Alan Full Payment Paid PVC Cont. Q
20. PORKSTER Paul and Sandra Full Payment A Class Cont.
21. Rogerwyn Del and Roger Full Payment RJ02 DEL A Class Cont.
22. cliffanger Cliff and Geraldine Full Payment M1 USE A Class Cont. Q Toad
23. LesW Les and Tricia Full Payment EU54 NSE Coach UK
24. Teddy B Lee and Brian Full Payment NX17 BVM Coach UK
25. Mousy Martin and Dawn Full Payment M600 HYM A Class Cont.
26. berni109 Bern and Eleni Full Payment WA69 ACZ PVC Cont.
27. Dorwyn[/] ] Geoff and Carol Full Payment WU16 HCA PVC UK
28. @Hils and Glenns Hilary and Glenn Full Payment CO51 BUZ A Class Cont.
29. [USER=67899]Silviffer Mark and Margo Full Payment B2 MPO A Class Cont.
30. Barti Ddu Andy & Julie Full Payment MA21 BZD PVC
31. rosalan Rosalie and Alan Full Payment FY65 OBN Coach Cont.
32. Targetpaster Bob and Jan Full Payment BB07 JDB UK Car Q
33. patricia the newbie Patricia Full Payment HT05 DLF Back Door
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