Talisman II 1987 (1 Viewer)

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Deleted User
I am refitting an Autosleeper Talisman II, can anyone advise re the blown air heating unit. It is underneath the van but try as I might I cannot get it to ignite. The control panel on the wall indicator lights work as does the heater fan, but after hearing the fan for a few seconds nothing happens after that. Can anyone advise what make of system was used or have a manual or a suitable replacement. Autosleeper could not (would not) help for their products 'pre the 90's'!!

Thanks George



Free Member
Oct 15, 2008
Funster No
10 years

Hi George,
I have a 1998 Talisman but it may be different although thought if I explained how my system works it may help.
The blown air system works just from the control panel on 240V hook up or if gas is being used the fan blows heat from the gas convection heater which must be lit first from it's own rotating switch, this can then be used as is or combined with the fan to circulate the warm air.
This may not be how your system works but thought I would try anyway.


Deleted User
Lift the base of the wardrobe out and have a feel/look if you can on the back of the fire and you should feel or see a reset button which is for the blown air heating. On year 2000 models this was done away with and replaced by a little circuit boad.

If you can get sight of a manual you should see the re-set button. I am surprised AS couldnt/wouldnt help.
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