Hi, I am the least technical person I know however 1 week into a 4 week adventure and my water pump has given up. A few days ago it was making a bad noise - I thought perhaps trapped air from the sound. Then water worked intermittently with no rhyme nor reason. Now nothing. No water, no toilet flush for the last 2 days. I’ve turned things on and off, opened the cupboard and taken a photo and that’s the end of my ability. I called loads of repair places and nowhere has any availability so it seems I need to learn! I’m happy to buy a new pump but are they easy for the novice to fit? Can you guide me to any instructions that involve me not causing a major flood and explosion?
Yours in hopefulness (please don’t tell me to check the filter I have no idea what it looks like nor where to find it!)
On the photo one of the red wires on the right appears broken - should it be?
Yours in hopefulness (please don’t tell me to check the filter I have no idea what it looks like nor where to find it!)
On the photo one of the red wires on the right appears broken - should it be?