Road rage in France with a flashing laser aimed at us

Aug 19, 2013
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Wells, Somerset
Funster No
Elddis 115
since 2004
A few days ago, straight off the tunnel, we were cut up, brake tested and had green laser lights aimed at us by some French yobs. The laser was directed to their rear view mirrors so it was aimed straight at us. What scared me was that there was a huge truck right behind us when they brake tested us. I assume the truck driver was aware what was going to happen so was prepared. I assume it was because I had just overtaken a row of trucks who were close together, and so held them yobs up. I was travelling at just under the speed limit on the motorway. The fact that their car was fitted out to intimidate with these lights showed it was premeditated bullying. Unfortunately my dashcam was not working so I have no evidence of it. If I had I would have sent it to the police. Take care out there!!
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Glad to hear that it didn’t result in an accident. Still distressing for you though. Unfortunately a sign of the times.
Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip without incident
It might have been a crash for cash insurance scam.difficult to describe to a French gendarme if your French is limited.
I don't know if the law is the same as in the UK. If I did have evidence with my dashcam that wouldn't work. They were also waving fists at us, and laughing. The then made a quick getaway.

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Sorry to hear of your distressing incident.

I’ve had a few of those. Worst one was in Gap, done idiot undertook us and slammed on in-front of us 4 times.

But for the fact we were in the Moho, our accommodation, I’d have rammed him the third time What he didn’t know as he couldn’t see, there were 8 adults on-Board.

Would have loved to have seen the little tin hats face.
HadIt sometimes helps if you just point your phone at them ,looks like your taking a photo or vid.
Makes them think twice.
Had no time. I don't know how we didn't collide, they were so close. The driver looked directly at me, so he knew we are English rhd.
I had some French a$$hole take exception to me once when overtaking a line of trucks on a 2-lane peage, he came up behind me whilst I was overtaking them, he must have been delayed by maybe 30 seconds at most. As I pulled in promptly after the last truck, he pulled in in front of me and deliberately braked - to slow me down and annoy me for a couple of minutes, before driving off. Just pathetic behaviour really, and dangerous, coming within a few inches of the van at 60mph.

Every country has them, including the UK!

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I had some French a$$hole take exception to me once when overtaking a line of trucks on a 2-lane peage, he came up behind me whilst I was overtaking them, he must have been delayed by maybe 30 seconds at most. As I pulled in promptly after the last truck, he pulled in in front of me and deliberately braked - to slow me down and annoy me for a couple of minutes, before driving off. Just pathetic behaviour really, and dangerous, coming within a few inches of the van at 60mph.

Every country has them, including the UK!
Same behaviour, less the lights.
I enjoy watching the dashcam footage on youtube of these morons ending up badly doing such stupid things. One springs to mind that brake checked an american semi truck. The truck slammed into the back of the pickup truck and sent it spinning off into a ditch. Bet he doesn't try that one again
Bit late but carry a make up or similar Mirro and reflect it to them.
I wouldn't leave the house without a dashcam these days. I had car overtake me on a blind corner on my way to work, I was doing 55mph and his speed was considerably faster. I seen his back end going and I gently touched the brakes. In a fraction of a second I got to the point he'd been in and was confronted by bits of car flying in the air. He'd hit another car head on. I managed to stop about a yard short of the carnage. Both drivers had to be cut out. Thankfully my dashcam footage was enough to convict the driver with dangerous driving, no need to go to court. :Grin:
He had a black box in his new Volvo as he'd only just passed his test 6 weeks previous at the age of 54. On checking the black box it was found that he was driving on the country road at 92mph only 2 minutes earlier. Idiot:doh:

I wouldn't leave the house without a dashcam these days. I had car overtake me on a blind corner on my way to work, I was doing 55mph and his speed was considerably faster. I seen his back end going and I gently touched the brakes. In a fraction of a second I got to the point he'd been in and was confronted by bits of car flying in the air. He'd hit another car head on. I managed to stop about a yard short of the carnage. Both drivers had to be cut out. Thankfully my dashcam footage was enough to convict the driver with dangerous driving, no need to go to court. :Grin:
He had a black box in his new Volvo as he'd only just passed his test 6 weeks previous at the age of 54. On checking the black box it was found that he was driving on the country road at 92mph only 2 minutes earlier. Idiot:doh:

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Needs banning from driving for life based on that

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As I explained to my younger daughter one day when i had an idiot doing similar to me on the M5 in somerset. If you are going to do nonsense like this ;

1 ) make sure you have a full tank of fuel, ( because they might follow you until you stop)
2) make sure you have a faster car ( & make sure you have lost them for certain)
3) don't even think of stopping ( because you are going to be in trouble)
4) above all else be prepared to get out. ( & make sure you are first)

& the middleaged t***t & his wife who had been blocking me , cutting off when I tried to overtake ,slowing down ,speeding up ,etc;etc; etc, then committed no 3 & both waved to me as they went in the services for fuel. Obviously thinking the knobhead would drive on :doh:

Unfortunately the mentally unbalanced one was straight in there behind them , blocked them off ,out & over their bonnet & peeling the top of the drivers door down before they even had time to draw breath. they then decided that nothing they had done ,had occurred & i was a madmen but unfortunately for them 4 witnesses, a 27 minute dash cam footage showed them up for the liars & half wits they were & the police they had called I left them with.
We had a couple of silly little bimbos the other day on the N165, we had been sitting a good distance behind not hassling them as the car had an A Sticker (I think this denotes new driver?). The car started going slower and slower so OH put his foot down and overtook, for those that don't know that road it is dual carriageway. Some time later the same car overtook us and the one in the passenger seat was waggling her hand, in what I can only assume is a French rude gesture.
It might have been a crash for cash insurance scam.difficult to describe to a French gendarme if your French is limited.
Thats what I think it was, if your camera is not working, get the partner to film using the phone, if I had a truck behind me, I would run them off the road, has long as a camera was rolling.
HadIt sometimes helps if you just point your phone at them ,looks like your taking a photo or vid.

Had no time. I don't know how we didn't collide, they were so close. The driver looked directly at me, so he knew we are English rhd.

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HadIt sometimes helps if you just point your phone at them ,looks like your taking a photo or vid.

Had no time. I don't know how we didn't collide, they were so close. The driver looked directly at me, so he knew we are English rhd.
Unfortunately it's not just English that have RHD.
A couple of years ago we left the motorway at Narbone. As we were paying some French guy behind kept pressing his horn again and again. I pulled past the barriers and then got out and said Wtf is wrong with you he being a brave French guy drove past me as close and as fast as he could. Had he stopped I would have ended up locked up. Total dick head.
Needs banning from driving for life based on that
What made matters worse, he worked for the same company as me and was heading to the same place and wasn't late for work.
I didn't know him as he was to go on the company crew bus to go to another site.
Both drivers were off work for over 9 months and the 'innocent' party came to my work with a delivery and happened to mention it was his 1st shift since the accident which happened less than a mile away and was told by reception that it was me who witnessed it.
I got called to the office and he shook my hand and thanked me for saving him having to go through a court case. He said that he distinctly remembers hearing my Scottish accent calling the other driver a f**k**g idiot while checking how badly they were hurt :whistle2:
What made matters worse, he worked for the same company as me and was heading to the same place and wasn't late for work.
I didn't know him as he was to go on the company crew bus to go to another site.
Both drivers were off work for over 9 months and the 'innocent' party came to my work with a delivery and happened to mention it was his 1st shift since the accident which happened less than a mile away and was told by reception that it was me who witnessed it.
I got called to the office and he shook my hand and thanked me for saving him having to go through a court case. He said that he distinctly remembers hearing my Scottish accent calling the other driver a I have a limited vocabulary**g idiot while checking how badly they were hurt :whistle2:
I am pleased to hear that you got some form of closure on the accident. Things like that live on in your mind and meeting the victim and see him return to work will help

I remember after my accident, being hit by a drunk driver, a witness was panicking that I might die. Meeting me when I left hospital helped her, I know
I am pleased to hear that you got some form of closure on the accident. Things like that live on in your mind and meeting the victim and see him return to work will help

I remember after my accident, being hit by a drunk driver, a witness was panicking that I might die. Meeting me when I left hospital helped her, I know
Yes travelling that road every day I thought about it often. What did annoy me was, at the scene the Police officer in charge of the incident said that he'd visit me at home 'that afternoon' to get a proper statement (it happened at 6.50am)
It was over 3 weeks before they came. As time went on I was concerned that my statement may not be accepted because of the delay and the chance of my memory not remembering everything as it happened.
Hope that you're not suffering any on-going pain or mental issues (y)

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Last month, we were driving south out of Annecy to get to a site. Traffic was crawling. I saw in my mirror that a line of motorbikes was filtering. Problem was that the road had a very solid traffic island every hundred yards or so. This is the actual road.

Anyway, being an ex-biker, I kept in as much as possible, and the bikes went past, when there was space. I couldn't see any more bikes trying to get past.

Just as I came to one of these concrete islands, a big BMW (looked like an S1000R), with a pillion and ridiculous sized hard panniers, shot alongside and forced his way in front of me. I braked hard and we didn't hit.

I held up a hand in disbelief, which the biker (French) must have seen in his mirror. He slowed down to a crawl and at one point seemed to be about to stop in the carriageway. His lady friend tapped him on the shoulder and said something to him and he satisfied himself with a very robust middle finger before he sped off.

We were alarmed at the arrogance of the bloke, in that he felt that he had a right to filter, and that we should have let him. And would he have done it if we were French? And would he had done it if his girlfriends was not on the back, and he had no one to show off to?

Gone right off bikers. I never rode like that, never. Arrogant little sh!t.
I wouldn't leave the house without a dashcam these days. I had car overtake me on a blind corner on my way to work, I was doing 55mph and his speed was considerably faster. I seen his back end going and I gently touched the brakes. In a fraction of a second I got to the point he'd been in and was confronted by bits of car flying in the air. He'd hit another car head on. I managed to stop about a yard short of the carnage. Both drivers had to be cut out. Thankfully my dashcam footage was enough to convict the driver with dangerous driving, no need to go to court. :Grin:
He had a black box in his new Volvo as he'd only just passed his test 6 weeks previous at the age of 54. On checking the black box it was found that he was driving on the country road at 92mph only 2 minutes earlier. Idiot:doh:

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Hmmmm Volvo was that the car they said was Dummies first choice 🤣
A few days ago, straight off the tunnel, we were cut up, brake tested and had green laser lights aimed at us by some French yobs. The laser was directed to their rear view mirrors so it was aimed straight at us. What scared me was that there was a huge truck right behind us when they brake tested us. I assume the truck driver was aware what was going to happen so was prepared. I assume it was because I had just overtaken a row of trucks who were close together, and so held them yobs up. I was travelling at just under the speed limit on the motorway. The fact that their car was fitted out to intimidate with these lights showed it was premeditated bullying. Unfortunately my dashcam was not working so I have no evidence of it. If I had I would have sent it to the police. Take care out there!!
you do seem to be having a run of bad luck at the moment😮
Years ago driving my recovery truck had a pillock who took exception to not being let out of a side turning onto the main road, normally wouldn’t be a problem but he was trying to force his way out with total disregard to other motorists, ( needless to say I didn’t give way to him)
he eventually caught up with me and overtook, then slammed on the brakes, the second time also bringing me nearly to a stop, unlucky for him he tried a third time, I promptly put my accelerator to the floor and lined up the rear of his Honda, put his boot upto his rear seat, the two cars directly behind me were witnesses for the court case getting him banned for a year,
yes it was wrong but being a young man with an abundance of testosterone coursing through my veins it seemed
poetic justice at the time,
I enjoy watching the dashcam footage on youtube of these morons ending up badly doing such stupid things. One springs to mind that brake checked an american semi truck. The truck slammed into the back of the pickup truck and sent it spinning off into a ditch. Bet he doesn't try that one again
I think I saw that one
I wouldn't leave the house without a dashcam these days. I had car overtake me on a blind corner on my way to work, I was doing 55mph and his speed was considerably faster. I seen his back end going and I gently touched the brakes. In a fraction of a second I got to the point he'd been in and was confronted by bits of car flying in the air. He'd hit another car head on. I managed to stop about a yard short of the carnage. Both drivers had to be cut out. Thankfully my dashcam footage was enough to convict the driver with dangerous driving, no need to go to court. :Grin:
He had a black box in his new Volvo as he'd only just passed his test 6 weeks previous at the age of 54. On checking the black box it was found that he was driving on the country road at 92mph only 2 minutes earlier. Idiot:doh:

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Same with us, we have 1/2 dozen of them. Don’t leave without a camera Trouble is we have had to hard wire them and remove the cameras every time we park up to avoid them getting stolen. Even outside the house ! This was a neighbouring street, an hour after he had stolen ours .

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