Residents' concern over motor homes


Jul 19, 2007
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Residents' concern over motor homes


21 October 2008

Southwold promenade is best known for colourful beach huts and the elegant Victorian Pier, but the motor homes which park overnight along seafront are quickly becoming the talk of the town.

Caravan and campervan owners could soon be prevented from parking overnight on the seafront if Southwold Town Council can get a by-law put in place to stop them.

There is already a by-law forbidding people from staying overnight in vehicles parked on the town's common and now the town council wants Waveney District Council to extend the regulations to the promenade.

Earlier this year, motor home owners were banned from parking on the sea wall at the nearby resort of Aldeburgh after fears were raised about the damage being caused to the wall and residents complained about litter and congestion.

The by-laws in Aldeburgh have already had an effect and only nine vehicles have breached the order since it was put in place by Suffolk Coastal District Council on August 1.

At a meeting of Southwold's policy and finance committee, chairman Michael Ladd said: “We consider this to be a growing problem and it could get worse if we don't tackle it now.”

Town councillor Sue Allen said: “I don't think anybody living on the seafront should have to put up with it. We've got to be strong on this and say we want Waveney to look at this and sort it out.”

The committee agreed to ask Waveney to look at the cost and process involved in getting a by-law put in place.

Melanie Tucker said: “There are already by-laws relating to no over-night camping on the common which don't get enforced and I'm just concerned that if we go for another by-law then we're going to be in a similar position.

“There are arguments about these being difficult to enforce, but it doesn't seem satisfactory at all that we have these rules and don't enforce them.”

A Waveney District Council spokesman said: “Southwold Town Council has recently asked if vehicles can be prohibited from making overnight stays on the promenade, in a similar way to Southwold Common.

“The highway is under the jurisdiction of Suffolk County Council and we currently have no authority to gain such a traffic road order. Even if Waveney District Council were to obtain delegated authority to act in this matter, this is not a simple or inexpensive process.

“It would require formal approval of the county council before we could proceed and would also need agreement on enforcement, relevant signage and would have to go through statutory consultation.”
Earlier this year, motor home owners were banned from parking on the sea wall at the nearby resort of Aldeburgh after fears were raised about the damage being caused to the wall and residents complained about litter and congestion.

What a load of old coblers.. some years ago we regularly parked here, it is well away from the town, the sea wall is a wide road used by boat owners and day trippers.. ..
I believe it has been pressure from the local camping site owner who was losing out on business..
What a load of old coblers.. some years ago we regularly parked here, it is well away from the town, the sea wall is a wide road used by boat owners and day trippers.. ..
I believe it has been pressure from the local camping site owner who was losing out on business..

I'm not sure that is the case Jim. Suffolk Coastal council have been one of the most supportive in the country in supplying information for my parking web site - even to the extent of sending updates without being asked. The council also actively provides MH parking places in some of its car parks (unlike some others).

The question of the sea wall was well publicised earlier this year both in on-line forums and in news-stand magazines and the prevention of damage came across as a perfectly genuine reason.

The question of the sea wall was well publicised earlier this year both in on-line forums and in news-stand magazines and the prevention of damage came across as a perfectly genuine reason.


Hi Graham

Have they banned all vehicles or only MHs ?
because if there is any damage then it's more likely to have been caused by the local toe rags who use it as a race track .. rather than a few vans parked up for the night.
Hi Graham

Have they banned all vehicles or only MHs ?
because if there is any damage then it's more likely to have been caused by the local toe rags who use it as a race track .. rather than a few vans parked up for the night.

It's basically everything except cars & light commercials under 3.5 tonnes ULW.

See my site Here for correspondence sent in by a user (JB) and the council web site Link Removed (pick the link to the spreadsheet Schedules of car parks and tariffs (new window Excel spreadsheet 57KB) ).

There is another parking place in Aldeburgh where we can go - Thorpe Road - and others within the council area.


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Hi again

so it's basically a ban on motorhomes parking overnight.. and a plug for the local camp site

Overnight parking is now banned after discussion between Suffolk Coastal District Council and Aldeburgh Town Council. If you do wish to stay overnight then this facility is available at Church Farm Caravan Park in Aldeburgh and their contact number is 01728-453433."

Thanks for the information Graham.
My motorhome is a "light commercials under 3.5 tonnes ULW" can I still park there?

Hi again

so it's basically a ban on motorhomes parking overnight.. and a plug for the local camp site

Thanks for the information Graham.

Not when taken with the council spreadsheet. I viewed the mention of the local campsite as helpful information for someone who had asked about somewhere to stay overnight. One of the duties of local authorities is to boost local businesses.

We wouldn't expect them to turn round and tell people to use shops in another area would we? No doubt the local tourist office hands out information about hotels, B&Bs and the like. So why should we be surprised if they give a pointer to local campsites?

My motorhome is a "light commercials under 3.5 tonnes ULW" can I still park there?


I did notice that seeming anomaly as well Ralph :Smile:

However, the council's response from which Jim quoted also included the information "This facility has recently been withdrawn after complaints about waste disposal in the sea and general littering" - so it would appear that some of the people who had been overnighting in that area were guilty of activities which most of us would (I hope) condemn.

Perhaps if we could get rid of people like that then we could persuade councils to provide more facilities for those of us with a responsible attitude. It's inevitable that where LAs are faced with people acting illegally they will take action to stop it - and that (as so often in other walks of life) mean that the innocent suffer.

In my eyes the answer is to only stay overnight where it is accepted (i.e. legal or, at least, tolerated even if strictly speaking illegal) and to use positive approaches to persuade councils to provide more such areas.

I did notice that seeming anomaly as well Ralph :Smile:

However, the council's response from which Jim quoted also included the information "This facility has recently been withdrawn after complaints about waste disposal in the sea and general littering" - so it would appear that some of the people who had been overnighting in that area were guilty of activities which most of us would (I hope) condemn.

Perhaps if we could get rid of people like that then we could persuade councils to provide more facilities for those of us with a responsible attitude. It's inevitable that where LAs are faced with people acting illegally they will take action to stop it - and that (as so often in other walks of life) mean that the innocent suffer.

In my eyes the answer is to only stay overnight where it is accepted (i.e. legal or, at least, tolerated even if strictly speaking illegal) and to use positive approaches to persuade councils to provide more such areas.


but this particular council has done this, Graham.......they've given us details of a local campsite, which is probably owned by a local councillor:Wink:

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as far as Sue can remember motorhomes have parked in this area for as long as she has lived in the locality.What a shame if this is true that people have been misusing a great facility.:cry: Having said that their is only one campsite in the area so perhaps pappajohn has it right

but this particular council has done this, Graham.......they've given us details of a local campsite, which is probably owned by a local councillor:Wink:

I have no idea who owns that camp site John - but if anyone is interested enough I'm sure it will be easy enough to find out. The provision of the details by the council is in no way unique. Several councils (especially in tourist areas) have given me details of caravan sites when I have asked about overnight parking - and have done so in a genuine gesture of providing information on alternatives where overnight camping in car parks is banned.

What I'm talking about (in persuading councils to provide more facilities for those of us with a responsible attitude) is approaching authorities to allow a degree of official use of car parks overnight, as some councils already do. If we can achieve that then it will go a long way to satisfying all parties.

as far as Sue can remember motorhomes have parked in this area for as long as she has lived in the locality.What a shame if this is true that people have been misusing a great facility.:cry: Having said that their is only one campsite in the area so perhaps pappajohn has it right


From what I've learned it is misuse (or potential misuse) which turns some councils against motorhomes.

We often see stories of illegal campsites set up by travellers of one description or another - and, with no positive evidence to the contrary, some authorities gain the impression that motorhome owners are just a type of traveller. Positive approaches to councils, showing that we are not all like that, can and do achieve results.

I had an e-mail the other day which included details of the sender's correspondence with Bournemouth Council. One paragraph gives a reason for not allowing overnight camping in a particular area:
In applying highway restrictions the Council has responded to the complaints from local residents and while I am sure you would never contemplate cooking while on the highway or using the street drains to empty your chemical toilet, I regret to advise that such incidents have occurred and in some locations continue to occur where we encounter campervans on the highway. We have also had occasions when those arriving in campervans/motorhomes have simply used the street drains as a toilet and I am sure you will appreciate the risk this type of behaviour poses to public health generally.

Because of the positive approach, though, the officer concerned goes on to say:
While you may now be of the opinion that I have no particular enthusiasm for your choice of recreational vehicle, I nevertheless recognise that as a Council we must strive to welcome and accommodate visitors while addressing the impact their choice of vehicle might have on the environment. As you have identified we do have Queens Road and Kings Park and this may be the only option for the larger campervan type vehicles. I do however recognise that we should make additional space for larger vehicles (up to 17 seat minibuses) and perhaps small to medium campervans in some of our Town Centre surface car parks. To this end I have commissioned the construction of 4 bays for the exclusive use of larger vehicles at Central Car Park in Upper Hinton Road and at the Winter Gardens Car Park on Priory Road close to the Bournemouth International Centre. I have also made a provision at Berry Court Car Park on St Peters Road . All should be available for use by Easter 2009. This will amount to 10 spaces you and others with larger vehicles may be able to use, all sites being either in or close to the Town Centre.
Not overnight facilities - but an improvement on what is available achieved through positive and responsible behaviour.

What can I say?
Your method of communicating with the local Authorities seems to be paying dividends.
Responses like the last one shows what a terrific job you are doing Graham.
More power to your pen/computer whatever!
What can I say?
Your method of communicating with the local Authorities seems to be paying dividends.
Responses like the last one shows what a terrific job you are doing Graham.
More power to your pen/computer whatever!

Thank you - but no special method. Indeed, as I mentioned in the previous post, the Bournemouth success is a result of someone else contacting the council in a positive manner.

If anyone does want to contact their local authority but is unsure of how to do it, please see the example templates Here which are freely available for anyone to use/adapt.


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What a load of old coblers.. some years ago we regularly parked here, it is well away from the town, the sea wall is a wide road used by boat owners and day trippers.. ..
I believe it has been pressure from the local camping site owner who was losing out on business..

I have to agree with Jim on this one, if you live in this world and you don't cause a nuisance and keep your litter etc then I believe that you should be able to park and sleep wherever you wish as long as you are not causing an obstruction. I hate these people that believe that the world belongs to them and only they matter. Just because you live in a place doesnt mean that the surrounding area belongs to you, live and let live. Moaning Bas****s. :Angry:
I have to agree with Jim on this one, if you live in this world and you don't cause a nuisance and keep your litter etc then I believe that you should be able to park and sleep wherever you wish as long as you are not causing an obstruction. I hate these people that believe that the world belongs to them and only they matter. Just because you live in a place doesnt mean that the surrounding area belongs to you, live and let live. Moaning Bas****s. :Angry:

Interesting point Mark.

However, taking the Devil's Advocate stance for a moment, someone with opposing views could easily say "just because there is a space to park in doesn't mean that you have a right to do so, don't think that the space belongs to you and only you matter".

There isn't an easy answer in many cases so the more that people can supply a positive, non-emotive, case to the people who make the decisions the more chance there is of achieving a result that is fair.

Motorhome parking


Slightly "off-topic", does anyone know if you can still park-up OVERNIGHT on Marine Parade in Dover, Its only minuets from the ferries and was very usefull.?.

As for people "depositing" where they have parked. I followed a "euro-van" out of Pickering show and "they" drained grey water all the way to the Malton Turn, when they went to-words York, still draining, and we to-wards Wetwang/Driffield.


As for people "depositing" where they have parked. I followed a "euro-van" out of Pickering show and "they" drained grey water all the way to the Malton Turn, when they went to-words York, still draining, and we to-wards Wetwang/Driffield.
Perhaps, if we see this sort of thing, we should take a note of the van number than post on all the forums along the lines of "XX99 YYY, check your grey waste outlet, looks like you might have a leak" :BigGrin:


Slightly "off-topic", does anyone know if you can still park-up OVERNIGHT on Marine Parade in Dover, Its only minuets from the ferries and was very usefull.?.

As for people "depositing" where they have parked. I followed a "euro-van" out of Pickering show and "they" drained grey water all the way to the Malton Turn, when they went to-words York, still draining, and we to-wards Wetwang/Driffield.


Yes you can still park overnight for free but pay in the daytime

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Dover stopover

Yes you can still park overnight for free but pay in the daytime

I wonder if you could give more details on this please?
It is highly likely our first real trip in our new MH will be to my son's wedding in Munich this March so we will need a Dover stopover before the early ( cheaper) ferry crossing and havn't got any campsites sorted yet.
Much obliged.:thumb:

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