Our Truma gas reg failed while on holiday, the van is only two years old, I rigged up an old standard propane regulator to keep us going while we were away. I've bought a new reg and it's not quite the same ... the old one was fixed to the roof of the gas cabinet, the new one looks as though it needs to fix to the vertical wall of the gas cabinet due to the pressure reducing portion being 90 degrees out from the old one.
It has the crash sensor which needs to be vertical hence I think the different mounting necessary. And the rupture proof hose I have doesn't fit the new reg as the fitting is different. Photos of all parts below. All part numbers agree so I've got the correct bits (?)
So, is there any way to turn the reg body on the new reg to 90 degrees in order I can roof mount it, or is it all too much trouble and I should stick with my propane reg on the bottle. I don't use gas on the move so I don't need all of the Truma features
Our Truma gas reg failed while on holiday, the van is only two years old, I rigged up an old standard propane regulator to keep us going while we were away. I've bought a new reg and it's not quite the same ... the old one was fixed to the roof of the gas cabinet, the new one looks as though it needs to fix to the vertical wall of the gas cabinet due to the pressure reducing portion being 90 degrees out from the old one.
It has the crash sensor which needs to be vertical hence I think the different mounting necessary. And the rupture proof hose I have doesn't fit the new reg as the fitting is different. Photos of all parts below. All part numbers agree so I've got the correct bits (?)
So, is there any way to turn the reg body on the new reg to 90 degrees in order I can roof mount it, or is it all too much trouble and I should stick with my propane reg on the bottle. I don't use gas on the move so I don't need all of the Truma features