Hi all I hope someone can help by telling me how the Coolant fans work in my 2014 Citroen relay Van conversion. I’ve be told that the low speed fans are not working and the local dealer is charging £700 for a new coolant fan unit. Before I part with that kind of money I want to check the circuitry as I can see that the fuse/ relay box cover has not been removed by the dealer. i have read in some other articles that the fans come on together, first in low speed then if the temperature keeps on rising they switch to high speed. However from electrical drawings that I have obtained both fans seem to operate independently from each other. Can anyone explain the general operation principle and do they also operate when the AC is switched on to draw air through the condenser. Going to check the fuses and fan relays tomorrow but it would be good to know the principle of operation in case I have to delve a bit deeper.