Having been holed up in the UK since Xmas, and looking like it will be June/July before I get back to France (gawd knows what the garden will be like) I've decide on a post C*19 treat and have booked a RV for 90 days next year. I'm driving from NY to Miami via a rather convoluted route: Any other funster done anything similar?
New York (Newark) |
Connecticut |
Springfield |
Boston |
Bangor |
Burlington, VT |
Lake Ontairio |
Niagra Falls |
AA Royal Motel & Campground |
Pennsylvania |
Washington |
Front Royal |
Big Medows Lodge campgrounds |
Rockfish Gap |
Great Smokie Mountains NP |
Knoxville |
Nashville |
Memphis |
Little Rock |
Fort Smith |
Tulsa |
Oklahoma |
Oklahoma |
Fort Reno |
Amerello |
Santa Rosa |
Albuquerque |
Painted Desert |
Homolovi Ruins State Park |
Flagstaff |
Phoenix |
Tucson |
El Paso |
San Antonio |
Houston |
Baton Rouge |
New Orleans |
Mobile |
Talahasse |
Jacksonville |
Daytona |
Cape Canaveral |
Miami |
Key Largo |