New Motor Home (1 Viewer)

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Aug 14, 2007
Kings Norton, Birmingham
Funster No
20 years plus
Hello everybody, I am back, not had the heart to have anything to do with Motor Homing for a while because if you remember we are the folk who lost our 12 month old van in Tewkesbury, Glos, last year in the floods, and then to top it all, the Autocruise factory also had flooding, and because no orders were going out, they developed a cash flow problem, then Swift stepped in and threw them a life line. We had terribly problems with them and they wouldn't undertake to build us a replacement "Starblazer" we had months of waiting while Autocruise spoke with Swift, and it seemed like we would have to go back to the drawing board for something else, but after months of toing and froing Swift agreed and we have now taking possession of our new van, only wait for it, its gone back today, as there is a recall on some engine faults, but not to worry, hopefully by next week we will be at the Tulip Festival for 3 days, in Spalding, anybody else going? :thumb:

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