Morocco 2015 - Tafroute Pt 1 (1 Viewer)

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Feb 9, 2008
Corby, Northants
Funster No
Coach Built
Since 2007
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After spending 2 weeks at Taghazout we were told to depart at very short notice. So, we headed to a vacant spot nearer the beach that a Frenchy had just departed from with the attitude of I aint leaving until it's official. An hour later I was told directly by the police and Army to leave site.
My immediate thoughts was to move down the beach another kilometer and pitch up where other Motorhomes were already based but as we got nearer we realised they too were being evicted.
So, were to next? Brian, (Hildwilder) had recommended in a previous post to me about Tafroute and it was on our radar so we decided to make the journey straight away. (In hindsight we arrived too early as the nights were still very cold indeed).
Other Funsters broke away further south and followed the coast as the weather was so good.
When we arrived at Tafroute we were both gobsmacked, a huge flat oasis surrounded by mountains and in the middle the town of Tafroute with this huge camping area next to the town. This area would easily accommodate 1000 motorhomes.
Again, there were guardians who took their 20 MAD (2€) per night and service people who visited the campsite each day including 4x4 trips, water, bread etc.
Although very cold at night it was warm during the day and a stunning place to walk, Darrens pass led to the next town through the mountains and there were paths around the whole oasis that was great for stretching legs or walking the dog. We simply sat in our chairs and soaked up the rays most days and on others would go into the town and buy first class food for pennies. A three course meal for about €5 per head.
Soon we were joined by other funsters and we met some smashing people who we have fond memories of, Darren, Lynne, Dave, Terry & Brenda, Colin & Sandra, Sue, Mike & Gwen, Shuggy & Rosie, Ken & Linda and Byron and his magical wife, to name but a few and of course the dogs.
We stayed here for a month and by the time we left it was hitting the low 30s.
This is one place we will definitely return to.

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