Having read many posts I feel that fitting a battery monitor would be beneficial. Thinking of fitting a Victron BMV - 712 Smart. Today I got the motorhome (Burstner Ixeo 674G) from storage and had a good look at the batteries and current wiring. in preparation. I have two 95amp batteries in garage area. On looking at the wiring I was quite surprised, the second battery is wired to the other battery positive to positive and neg to neg I would estimate the wire used is 2-3 mm thick and the positive wire is fused. Is this ok or should it be wired differently. The main leads on the first battery are about 4-5mm thick not the size of normal battery cable. The second battery was fitted by Chelston when I purchased the van new in 2010. I have not had any problems with this set up but your thoughts/recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks